Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

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Feb 18, 2006
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Oh man I do hate getting in on a thread late but as always I got things to say.

I'm with Leon in that we need more science to totally understand why the Earth is getting warmer. Meteorology and well science itself is very young compared to the Earth so we in fact have very little data to go on. SO we need to do more research.

That being said the Earth is getting warmer. Why is the big question. But it is getting warmer and we need to be concerned. A major shift in climate could prove lethal to some or a large part of the ecosystem. That's never good.

Pollution needs to be eliminated. Not specifically because of global warming but because the only people that benefit from it are the rich assholes who live far away from the land, water and air they pollute. Pollution makes no sense. We should move to eliminate as much as we are able to as soon as possible.

The preacher who linked faith in Jesus to global warming is a douche bag. Logical Christians believe that God in his infinite wisdom and love gave us this precious green-blue ball and we ought to take care of it. It is the only place we can live. Illogical Christians apparently believe that if you don't have faith in Jesus, the Jesus is going to jump in his Hummer and drive around and speed up global warming or something.


Arrogant asshole
Sep 27, 2005
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My house
it also, makes no sense....the fact that we have all the "clean air fuel" we need if we could only, buy one of these:


I blame the U.S. patent system

Many carmakers (BMW comes to mind) have developed hydrogen-powered cars. That's not the problem.

The problem is that hydrogen blows up. Spectacularly. No one has developed a safe way of dealing with hydrogen.

That, and I'd imagine that big oil companies would play a much bigger part in suppressing research into alternative fuels than the U.S. patent system :lol:


7-string noob
Nov 4, 2006
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earth, at the moment:)

Metal Ken

Hates the Air
Jun 27, 2004
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That, and I'd imagine that big oil companies would play a much bigger part in suppressing research into alternative fuels than the U.S. patent system :lol:

I think thats the biggest part of it.


7-string noob
Nov 4, 2006
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earth, at the moment:)
That, and I'd imagine that big oil companies would play a much bigger part in suppressing research into alternative fuels than the U.S. patent system :lol:

on the other hand, there is a good chance "big oil" has bought, and is sitting on the patents.

The Dark Wolf

Apr 15, 2005
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Toledo, Ohio. USA
Nice flick, just watched it with my parents.

Thanks again:yesway:

I can't believe they killed the ev-1:noway:

My pleasure.

Yep. The auto industry has a long history of implicit and overt collusion with Big Oil. They're usually the ones to fight increased fuel economy standards. You should read a bit of how they helped undermine public transportaion, especially in Midwestern cities.

Her's some more interesting Global Warming related news.

Climate Change vs Mother Nature: Scientists Reveal That Bears Have Stopped Hibernating

Some excerpts from the article -
Bears have stopped hibernating in the mountains of northern Spain, scientists revealed yesterday, in what may be one of the strongest signals yet of how much climate change is affecting the natural world.

In a December in which bumblebees, butterflies and even swallows have been on the wing in Britain, European brown bears have been lumbering through the forests of Spain's Cantabrian mountains, when normally they would already be in their long, annual sleep.

Spanish meteorologists predict that this year is likely to be the warmest year on record in Spain, just as it is likely to be the warmest year recorded in Britain (where temperature records go back to 1659). Globally, 2006 is likely to be the sixth warmest year in a record going back the mid-19th century.

Mark Wright, the science adviser to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in the UK, said that bears giving up hibernation was "what we would expect" with climate change.

"It does not in itself prove global warming, but it is certainly consistent with predictions of it," he said. "What is particularly interesting about this is that hitherto the warming has seemed to be happening fastest at the poles and at high latitudes, and now we're getting examples of it happening further south, and heading towards the equator.

I keep thinking of this Christmas season here in Toledo. We have had roughly 3 weeks of 40-50 degree (F) temperatures here. Very, very unusual. I can remember as a kid, every Christmas break, we'd be out building snowman, or playing on the frozen ice in puddles and ponds in our neighborhood. Nothing like that this year. In fact, it's 54 degrees right now.

This isn't right.

7 Dying Trees

Forum MVP
May 6, 2004
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7th Ethereal Plane of interstellar hell, Innit Bru
The idea that mankind can destroy the environment for life on earth is absolutely preposterous. Arrogance of the highest degree.

The idea that mankind can change the environment in such a way that life for us is difficult or impossible is totally plausible. We're on the way right now.
Ever heard of eco systems? Ever heard of balance? The idea that mankind, through using the earths resources at a rate that will result in most of it being depleted, coupled with greed and self preservation does very much mean that noone is really willing to hurt themselves to extend the quality of life for generations to come.

Climate change IS happening, i don't have to be smart to realise that winters are devoid of snow, and that summers are warmer than even 7-9 years ago. There's hardly ever any snow here now, be lucky if it snows once, if at all. And then, no snow in sweden this year, now that's abnormal, it really is.

Mankind CAN cause enviromental change by using up vast amopunts of fossil fuels, overfishing and destroying coral reef and sea based ecos systems, cutting down forests and the amazon to replace it with places to herd beef so some fat overweight fuck can stuff his face with macdonalds.

All these things add up to unnatural changes in the ecosystems, and the greater planetwide ecosystem as a whole.

The bit that people DON'T want to accept, is that to stem this change, this self induced end of days as it were (this is the beginning, warning signs) that people are going to have to give up luxuries. Large companies are going to lose a lot of money, and that, in essence, will be the main counteracting force to common sense.

There's no point trying to do much after it's all gone wrong is there?

global warming is propaganda...we can barely predict the local weather, let alone the global climate... Chalk it up to mankind's pridefull arrogance and stupidity.:lol:

So you believe everything said to the contrary? If it was propaganda, then why have successive reports into global warming, scientific studies, all been quashed by the white house? Why have they strong armed them into not publishing through threats of cutting funding? Because it does not suit the current goverments agenda, that's why.

I bet that 100-130 years ago you'd be dismissing darwin's theory of evolution as propaganda as well, or applauding the hanging of copernicus for claiming the earth is round.

propaganda: Information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause.

serously, if you want to eliminate greenhouse gasses... you might as well eliminate all life on this planet, since anything that lives and breathes, produces "greenhouse gasses"

that should take care of it:lol:

It's not greenhouse gasses that are the problem, but that there is an imbalance, too much green house gas compared to what the global ecosystem can process, it's all a balancing act, and if one thing goes out of balance with nothing to compensate it, then it tips us towards an unknown, or, as it stands, what we are predicting will happen.

You can't eliminate these gasses, as we would all die, the point is, that unless these are brought back to a balance, then we will also die out, and fuck with the planet. It's like signing the death warrant for not just our own species, but others that inhabit this planet. -> You do know there will most likely not be any polar bears soon due to their natural habitat dissapearing?

I am serioously tired of a lot of people pretending that their life isn't fucking it up for everyone in the long run, we're all doing it, we're all responsible, and yet, we all need to change.

not only that, but it's time the human race, just possibly, stopped looking at the short term gain, their next fucking SUV are large stupid car that they don't need and look at their kids and think about what world they will inherit.

Burying your head in the sand and crying wolf about propaganda isn't going to solve this, only actually facing up to the fear that for the greater overall good that each individual may just have to give something up, something which runs against the grain in human thought.


this godles endeavor
Jan 16, 2006
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Tas, Australia
The consideration that global warming isnt real shocks me. I thought it was stupidly obvious to everyone. Here in Australia Much of the sealife is complete out of time. The temperature has fucked the times they breed. Same for many birds. The Caterpillars havent yet hatched, because they are confused, leaving the birds without food. Its everywhere. ANd considering the amount of pollution being pumped into the atmosphere is it a surprise?

On cars its pretty funny that Henry Ford initially designed the T to run on ethanol and was forced into using petrol.


Manager / RHLC ©
Sep 21, 2006
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Man here on monday was 45º celcius!

I drinked a lot of juice and sleep with A/C, if not the hottnes can kill you, and i don't want (the last part was joking).


the abominabal poop
Sep 12, 2006
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christchurch new zealand
/\fucking hell thats warm damn thats the sort of temperatures that result in a bloody massive exist stage left for the old and the sick hell probably for everyone without aircon

Mr. S

Oct 21, 2005
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Cambridge, UK
great post there 7DT, i completely agree with what you said, i dont get when people just deny global warming IS happening and IS affecting the world we live in, when nature starts to suffer we should take it as a sign that things are about to get worse suck in our pride and do something about it.

who gives a shit if the cost is great, hell who even cares if it bankcrupts large buisnesses and nations, its our doing, its our responsibility to sort this out.

this planet is so unquie and beautiful and its the only one we have, lets try to make sure our kids can inherit it in one piece


7-string noob
Nov 4, 2006
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earth, at the moment:)
Burying your head in the sand and crying wolf about propaganda isn't going to solve this, only actually facing up to the fear that for the greater overall good that each individual may just have to give something up, something which runs against the grain in human thought.

Even if global warming was a reality, I doubt we could do anything about it.

It may very well be part of the earth's natural climate.

Can we control weather now? lol :lol:

Metal Ken

Hates the Air
Jun 27, 2004
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The idea that mankind can destroy the environment for life on earth is absolutely preposterous. Arrogance of the highest degree.

I dunno man, i think a society that can create THIS can pretty much destroy an environment for life on earth pretty quickly.