Words just can't say how awful this is

  • Thread starter Dive-Baum
  • Start date
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Forum MVP
Oct 1, 2005
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take a 100 watt soldering gun and poke her with it


Aug 23, 2005
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Woodbridge, VA
Truly horrible. Apparently the sadistic bitch is a "devout Jehova's Witness". Aside from annoying the crap out of me, I thought they were supposed to be *good* people.

These cases always seem to involve some devout fundamentalist of one kind or another. :noway:


Sep 16, 2006
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Truly horrible. Apparently the sadistic bitch is a "devout Jehova's Witness". Aside from annoying the crap out of me, I thought they were supposed to be *good* people.

I feel the need to reply to this.

This story in no way represents the whole of Jehovah's Witnesses, she acted alone in this horrid situation. If you'll notice, another witness confronted the girl and tried to help, I'll repeat that. SHE ACTED ALONE! If this were a southern baptist, would it get quite the same comment? What about a Mormon, Catholic, or maybe a Jewish person? I would doubt so.

And as for Jehovah's Witnesses annoying you, it's not all that often that we come to your door probably, and when they do, all you need to say is that you aren't interested, if thats how you feel.

Mods, I'm sorry if this post would seem uncalled for, or overly religious for this forum, but I felt the need to defend my own religion.

I would simply like to ask that her (and my) religious background not be taken into account in the discussion of what she has done, as someone of ANY religion could do the same thing, and probably has.


Bite Me Fan Boy!!
May 7, 2006
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Longwood, FL
This had jack shit to do with faith...she was a sick bitch and that is all there is to it.


Forum MVP
Apr 25, 2006
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Austin, TX
I never thought that being a JW would make someone do something like that.

e-rep for you, Ozzy.


Aug 23, 2005
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Woodbridge, VA
This story in no way represents the whole of Jehovah's Witnesses, she acted alone in this horrid situation. If you'll notice, another witness confronted the girl and tried to help, I'll repeat that. SHE ACTED ALONE! If this were a southern baptist, would it get quite the same comment? What about a Mormon, Catholic, or maybe a Jewish person? I would doubt so.

I actually would have made the same comment, no matter what religion it was. It always seems that that these cases involve the "devout church goer, pillar of the community" types. Atheists are always being condemned for bullshit like "undermining the moral fiber of the country", yet it always comes down to some hypocrite like this.

I'm not condemning your religion, and I'm definitely not comparing you, or any other Jehovah's Witness, to this sick woman. Whenever some crazy Islamic extremist runs into a Humvee, strapped with C4, I'm not condemning all Muslims, either. At the end of the day, a hypocrite is a hypocrite, no matter how you slice it. I just hope Jehovah's Witnesses back away from her, decrying her for what she did, disavowing her association with their religion. Whenever I see a bunch of people on TV, praying for a guy like Ted Haggard (He didn't mean to do it! He was just weak! God still loves him, and so do we!), it just makes me sick.


Mar 16, 2007
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My secluded, little space
I feel the need to reply to this.

This story in no way represents the whole of Jehovah's Witnesses, she acted alone in this horrid situation. If you'll notice, another witness confronted the girl and tried to help, I'll repeat that. SHE ACTED ALONE! If this were a southern baptist, would it get quite the same comment? What about a Mormon, Catholic, or maybe a Jewish person? I would doubt so.

And as for Jehovah's Witnesses annoying you, it's not all that often that we come to your door probably, and when they do, all you need to say is that you aren't interested, if thats how you feel.

Mods, I'm sorry if this post would seem uncalled for, or overly religious for this forum, but I felt the need to defend my own religion.

I would simply like to ask that her (and my) religious background not be taken into account in the discussion of what she has done, as someone of ANY religion could do the same thing, and probably has.

No offense intended - I just find the coincidence ironic, that's all.


Sep 16, 2006
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I actually would have made the same comment, no matter what religion it was. It always seems that that these cases involve the "devout church goer, pillar of the community" types. Atheists are always being condemned for bullshit like "undermining the moral fiber of the country", yet it always comes down to some hypocrite like this.

I'm not condemning your religion, and I'm definitely not comparing you, or any other Jehovah's Witness, to this sick woman. Whenever some crazy Islamic extremist runs into a Humvee, strapped with C4, I'm not condemning all Muslims, either. At the end of the day, a hypocrite is a hypocrite, no matter how you slice it. I just hope Jehovah's Witnesses back away from her, decrying her for what she did, disavowing her association with their religion. Whenever I see a bunch of people on TV, praying for a guy like Ted Haggard (He didn't mean to do it! He was just weak! God still loves him, and so do we!), it just makes me sick.

I see your point, and appreciate your input. And your absolutly right. I don't have direct contact with that congregation, but I'm sure that if she hadn't disassoiciated herself from them, that she was promptly disfelowshiped from the congregation.

No offense intended - I just find the coincidence ironic, that's all.
Ok, I guess that post was really more of a 'just in case' for if someone wanted to start downplaying Jehovah's Witnesses over something that the other 6.5 million of us can't control. Similar to how many people think were pushy because of a few who are a bit more persistant then nessecary, or were told this by someone who lived through the earlier 20th century (When the phrase 'getting your foot in the door' was probably coined, and our shoes were always getting worn out. :))
Jun 27, 2006
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Stockholm, Sweden
OzzyC, I have a VERY close friend who is a jehovas witness. There is NO difference between him and any other people around... I just dont like any kind of racism because it puts innocent people under the spotlight even though all of us are different individuals. I dont f'ing like anyone who say that a group of people are stupid or lesser worth in any way. I KNOW its REALLY obvious and that its a common thought. But there is no way you could use a word that is insulting to a group of people to insult one person because that is just ignorant... I wonder why people say things like: Fucking muslims, suicide bombers... blah blah because what they actually should be saying is: Fucking PERSON...

haha, this post is kinda obvious but it cant be said enough times.


Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
OzzyC, I have a VERY close friend who is a jehovas witness. There is NO difference between him and any other people around... I just dont like any kind of racism because it puts innocent people under the spotlight even though all of us are different individuals. I dont f'ing like anyone who say that a group of people are stupid or lesser worth in any way. I KNOW its REALLY obvious and that its a common thought. But there is no way you could use a word that is insulting to a group of people to insult one person because that is just ignorant... I wonder why people say things like: Fucking muslims, suicide bombers... blah blah because what they actually should be saying is: Fucking PERSON...

haha, this post is kinda obvious but it cant be said enough times.

It's obvious, but it's also true, so it's all good! :yesway:

Unfortunatly, I know a vast amount of people who take such negative views. When I'm at school and I overhear somone else's conversation at least 33% say some stupid thing like 'I F-ing hate N*ggers (or substitute wetbacks, Mexicans or a colorful variety of other negative remarks),' and once in a while someone will yell "White power!" :noplease:

The only time I would make such a remark wold be in front of a Mexican friend of mine who's cool with it, since he knows I'm just poking fun at him (And there's the irony that I'm half hispanic). Other then that, I would NEVER say something negative about a race or religion.