Xbox One

  • Thread starter RustInPeace
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
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Airstrip One
I wonder if they'll actually manage to fit a quiet fan into the first edition of this one...

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Jan 2, 2012
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Boston, MA
Not to sound condescending (since I'm not a fan of all of this myself) but...

This is all starting to sound like old people bitching when they update a program on their computer and a button looks different, although it's still in the same location, and does the same thing :lol:


Köttbullar är fint..
Sep 7, 2009
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The black forest of Sweden
I haven't read everything in this thread yet, but I just wanted to say that Microsoft probably shot themselves in their own knee-caps with this one!

As I read in a comment's section on our swedish Gamereactor site..

Sony did everything right, except showing us the console!
Microsoft did everything wrong, besides showing us the console!

Not a fanboy or anything like that, but I want my Gaming-console to be a..yes, a Gaming-console!

This coming generation I will grab myself a PS4, if anything!


Formerly 1-watt brigadier
Jul 25, 2010
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St. Louis, MO
The thing I've never understood about gaming is the fanboy-ism of one particular console over the other.

Seriously, it's a device that plays games (or possibly other stuff as well) and both the XB1 and PS4 have essentially the same hardware this generation. What that tells us is that both systems will offer similar performance. Since they are both based on x86-64 hardware, this also tells us PC ports from consoles (and vice-versa) will perform similarly from one console to the next.

Really, more than ever, what will set the consoles apart is there exclusive content. So, if there is a game you want only on a particular console, buy that console.

Arguing that one console is superior over the other is as stupid as arguing that Ibanez is superior to Ernie Ball. :2c:

Captain Butterscotch

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2011
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Fayetteville, AR
All I want from both the Newer consoles is a box that plays games.

I don't want a TV.
I don't want a NetFlix box.
I don't want a FaceBook box.
I don't want a clever ass marketing scheme to widen their consumer base with the "average family" in mind.
I don't want a entertainment hub.

I want a gaming console. That plays games. And does it damned well and isn't ashamed to be a simple gaming box. I don't give a single shaken and not stirred .... about your synergistic relationship betwixt your smart phones and your console and your tablet.

I also certainly don't like this 1984 Kinect thing that has to be on all the time. That's incredibly uncomfortable for me and I'm not a conspiracy guy.



Formerly 1-watt brigadier
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
All I want from both the Newer consoles is a box that plays games.

I don't want a TV.
I don't want a NetFlix box.
I don't want a FaceBook box.
I don't want a clever ass marketing scheme to widen their consumer base with the "average family" in mind.
I don't want a entertainment hub.

I want a gaming console. That plays games. And does it damned well and isn't ashamed to be a simple gaming box. I don't give a single shaken and not stirred .... about your synergistic relationship betwixt your smart phones and your console and your tablet.

I also certainly don't like this 1984 Kinect thing that has to be on all the time. That's incredibly uncomfortable for me and I'm not a conspiracy guy.


Different strokes. I can honestly say my Xbox 360 spent at least half it's operational runtime on Netflix (at least before I built a media center PC).

I love that gaming systems do different things now. I like being able to stream music and videos off my media server or bring up Netflix or Hulu or CruncyRoll. I like the idea that the new Xbox might be able to replace cable TV for a lot of people. Personally, I cancelled TV last year and the few shows I watch, I watch online and still save money and don't have to have a separate box for it now.

Seriously, none of the extra services interfere with the gaming aspect of the device in any way so why worry about it?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Seriously, none of the extra services interfere with the gaming aspect of the device in any way so why worry about it?

I don't get the logic behind this at all. Implementing all kinds of services naturally bring more economic costs with it, so the price of the end product becomes higher. People that care about console gaming will generally want to buy a console for its gaming abilities, not for immediately updating your fantasy league during an NBA game. This is the same type of development as with smartphones: you can do x, z, y and.. you can use it to call as well! A lot of people simply do not need, or even want, all the extra fluff. The problem is that the Xbox is associated with console gaming, not with an all-in-one entertainment box that Microsoft has sold it as in the event. I get they're trying to shift/overlap markets, but their approach just results in a disconnect with the fundamental group that is actually interested in the product before it's become popular/trendy. The Xbox One has been introduced and marketed as an all-in-one entertainment device. The Playstation 4 has been introduced and marketed as a gaming platform that happens to do other things too. I say this as a person that owns neither company's consoles and doesn't care about one company over the other.

In my own opinion, the Xbox One represents a lot of what's wrong with consumerism. It keys and plays into laziness more than convenience and presents gimmicky/gadgety goodies as something that you should want and need in your life.

Señor Voorhees

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Woonsocket, RI
I'm not gonna bother with it. Sounds too geared towards something I just don't give a damn about. Consoles were great when they were strictly for games because they only had to focus on that one thing. When something has a singular purpose, it usually does that one thing well. Instead of doing a lot of things subpar. Sure you could have a swiss army knife (and they're great for when you're out and about so this may be a bad comparison) but the full sized versions of each tool are better at doing what the tool was designed for.

It's one of the things that separated consoles from PC's for the better. Now it's just a shitty PC with shitty hardware, and no mouse/keyboard functionality in games. All of this on top of some of the other things I heard makes me just not even want to bother. I don't feel I'll be missing out on much. (I'll wait a year or so after release and see how things are then before I dive in, if I ever do dive in.)

Also, wear and tear. If I drop 400-800 (or whatever they're gonna cost, I really haven't seen anything because I just don't care much about consoles these days) I don't want to burn out the parts lifespan on watching movies when I have TV's and old consoles for that.


Formerly 1-watt brigadier
Jul 25, 2010
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St. Louis, MO
I don't get the logic behind this at all. Implementing all kinds of services naturally bring more economic costs with it, so the price of the end product becomes higher. People that care about console gaming will generally want to buy a console for its gaming abilities, not for immediately updating your fantasy league during an NBA game. This is the same type of development as with smartphones, you can do x, z, y and.. you can use it to call as well! A lot of people simply do not need, or even want, all the extra fluff. The problem is that the Xbox is associated with console gaming, not with an all-in-one entertainment box that Microsoft has sold it as in the event. I get they're trying to shift/overlap markets, but their approach just results in a disconnect with the fundamental group that is actually interested in the product before it's become popular/trendy.

Microsoft or Sony doesn't incur the cost of development, the host company does (ie: Netflix, Hulu, HBO, whoever).

Your reasoning for buying a game console does not necessarily equate with the reasons someone else buys a "game console." Basically, you have no justification or statistical data to backup your claim that "most people" buy a game console to play games. Sony and Microsoft obviously have data that people would like to use their consoles to do other things, or there would not be such a big push by both companies to make sure that their systems can be more universal devices.

To me, I think of a console as an entertainment device. That can mean any number of things, from playing videos to playing games.


Formerly 1-watt brigadier
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
Let me put some numbers to this:

Netflix Statistics | Statistic Brain

50% of Netflix users stream their content via a game console.

I have an older HDTV that I have 0 compulsion to upgrade that does not have have built-in streaming functionality. Apparently, so do a lot of other people.

I'd rather use my console rather than pay for a Roku or Google TV or whatever other device.

My whole point with this is that I've been a gamer since I was a kid back in the Atari days and have seen the whole of evolution of gaming. I've not seen gaming suffer one iota due to innovation (in this case, making the console more of an entertainment set-top box).


Formerly 1-watt brigadier
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
Ibanez is no where near the quality of Ernie Ball, so yes, that would be stupid....:fawk: :lol:

I realize you're probably being sarcastic there, but if not, it still an arguable point which you can't really quantify with any real data.

Opinions are just opinions until there is data to back up the claim. Personal experience does not equate with data.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Your reasoning for buying a game console does not necessarily equate with the reasons someone else buys a "game console." Basically, you have no justification or statistical data to backup your claim that "most people" buy a game console to play games. Sony and Microsoft obviously have data that people would like to use their consoles to do other things, or there would not be such a big push by both companies to make sure that their systems can be more universal devices.

Correct on your first sentence, not on the rest. You do not have any statistical evidence to back up your argument. You put the power of knowledge in the hands of supposed experts, trusting that Sony/Microsoft somehow know exactly what future markets will be like. Yes, they have many experts advising them on this, but as the past has proven time and time again this is part knowledge and part guess work. Basically, you do not have justification or statistical data to argue that most people buy a game console for non-gaming purposes. It's an empty statement.

The obvious fact that the Wii was by far the most popular out of all of last-gen consoles backs this up. Simply by the sheer market size that the Wii had over the PS3/Xbox 360, my argument is correct up to this point in time. What I was saying is that Microsoft is trying to shift markets with the Xbox One. Microsoft market it as an all-in-one entertainment device, not a gaming console. Hence, you have the disconnect because people view and understand the Xbox as a gaming console, because that is simply what it has been up to this point in time.

Thanks for letting me know about the development costs by involved third parties by the way. I did not know about this and stand corrected.


Formerly 1-watt brigadier
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
The obvious fact that the Wii was by far the most popular out of all of last-gen consoles backs this up. Simply by the sheer market size that the Wii had over the PS3/Xbox 360, my argument is correct up to this point in time. What I was saying is simply that Microsoft is trying to shift markets with the Xbox One, they market it as an all-in-one entertainment device, not a gaming console. Hence, you have the disconnect because people view and understand the Xbox as a gaming console, because that is simply what it has been up to this point in time.

The last time I checked, the Wii was marketed as a family fun device, not as a hardcore gamer machine. The Wii had Netflix as well. If anything, that supports my argument.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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I also certainly don't like this 1984 Kinect thing that has to be on all the time. That's incredibly uncomfortable for me and I'm not a conspiracy guy.


This I agree with, too. :ugh:

Also, if I want Netflix, I can just use my computer.

The last time I checked, the Wii was marketed as a family fun device, not as a hardcore gamer machine. The Wii had Netflix as well. If anything, that supports my argument.

Nintendo has been known for being a family-friendly company, even before the Wii. It works for them, not for Xbox.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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The last time I checked, the Wii was marketed as a family fun device, not as a hardcore gamer machine. The Wii had Netflix as well. If anything, that supports my argument.

Whether Wii's games are oriented towards families, individuals or only hardcore gamers has absolutely zero to do with my argument. Yes, about 25% of Netflix users come from the Wii. But! Look at the regional availability of Netflix, user concentration among those regions (hint: it's almost only the US) and total Wii sales numbers. Then come back to me. I agree with you completely that data trumps experience, yet your entire point of entry regarding the discussion seems to be very much based on an American-centric experience.

The Xbox One is a product for American families, not for the global gamer.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Houston, TX
I don't want a NetFlix box.

That's pretty much 70% of what my PS3 is for (and HULU, Amazon Videos, VUDU, etc.). The other 30% is for the exclusives. Everything else gaming wise I do on a rockin PC. :lol:

I think for some people times are apparently moving too fast for you. Sometimes having things the way they used to be just doesn't happen anymore. Reminds me of people complaining about each new release of Windows and then eventually liking it.

I have no intentions in purchasing either console unless it has extras that entice me, my PS3 dies, or there is an exclusive I just must have. Too much money to throw at a one trick pony IMO. At least with a PC if you beef it up it can also make a good unit for video editting, DAW, programming, etc. and not just gaming. If they kept it exclusively for gaming only they'd honestly need to reconsider their pricing structure.

Señor Voorhees;3565885 said:
It's one of the things that separated consoles from PC's for the better. Now it's just a shitty PC with shitty hardware, and no mouse/keyboard functionality in games. All of this on top of some of the other things I heard makes me just not even want to bother. I don't feel I'll be missing out on much. (I'll wait a year or so after release and see how things are then before I dive in, if I ever do dive in.)

The hardware in these is actually pretty good apparently, so not shitty. And I'd bargain a lot of console purchasers do so because they don't like mouse/keyboard (even if it is superior in every way :evil:). Tons of reasons to not get it like the resale thing and the internet connection requirements, but having netflix and whatnot is honestly not one of them.

Señor Voorhees;3565885 said:
Also, wear and tear. If I drop 400-800 (or whatever they're gonna cost, I really haven't seen anything because I just don't care much about consoles these days) I don't want to burn out the parts lifespan on watching movies when I have TV's and old consoles for that.

You'll be fine. The components will not kick the bucket on you that rapidly. Also, if you admit to using old consoles for multimedia purposes how can you scold them for doing so on new units as well. Not everyone owns or keeps their old gear lying around (hence the backwards compatibility debate too). If your old console still works why would you assume that the wear and tear would be too much on this new one?

Basically, you do not have justification or statistical data to argue that most people buy a game console for non-gaming purposes. It's an empty statement.

But neither do you. :lol:

The obvious fact that the Wii was by far the most popular out of all of last-gen consoles backs this up. Simply by the sheer market size that the Wii had over the PS3/Xbox 360, my argument is correct up to this point in time. What I was saying is that Microsoft is trying to shift markets with the Xbox One. Microsoft market it as an all-in-one entertainment device, not a gaming console. Hence, you have the disconnect because people view and understand the Xbox as a gaming console, because that is simply what it has been up to this point in time.

Wii had major family appeal though. That means it is a more likely purchase. and Nintendo is known for doing 2 things well: getting there first and keeping a low price point. Blaming their better sales on a lack of certain features is reaching.

This is all coming from a guy who honestly hates consoles too. :lol: For me it is a necessary evil. :evil:


Silence you bastard
Mar 30, 2012
Reaction score
I for one am very disappointed in the direction gaming is going. I am 39 and have been playing video games since I was 5. I grew up in the arcades. I have pretty much any console or handheld you can think of going back to the 70's up to the Wii U. My house is a shrine to video games. There are consoles and games everywhere. There are pixelated video game graphics on the walls and Lego pixel sculptures all over the place. I have a bunch of arcade games in my house and garage. I even study the history of video games. But now I think it might be time for me to stop buying new consoles and games and just focus my playing and collecting on past generations.

The fact is that I buy consoles for one purpose and one purpose only: to play games. Not to go on-line. Not to watch TV. Not to watch movies. Not to listen to music. Not to exercise. Not to smack talk with 12-year-olds playing the latest military shooter that is exactly the same as the last 50 military shooters.

Ok my rant is over.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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But neither do you. :lol:

That I haven't presented the data doesn't mean it's not out there. This is why I hate academics. Anyway, let's have some fun!

Doing some basic maths. 25 million Netflix Users in the US (see here). Wii sales in US 24 million up to end 2010 (see here). 25% of Netflix users from Wii (see here), meaning 6 million Wii-users have at one point in time -not regularly/daily!- used it for Netflix. Not too impressive, if you ask me.

Blaming their better sales on a lack of certain features is reaching.

I didn't say this. The only counter to my argument I can see is simply that the Wii is cheaper and thereby financially speaking more attractive. The fact that Netflix was only available on the Wii since late 2010, compared to Xbox 360's two years earlier, tells us that people want a gaming console (whether it is marketed as such or not is irrelevant, the perception of consumers counts for consumer goods) for games, not for secondary features. Regardless of whether those games are family/casual/hardcore oriented. Again, this is not relevant to the argument.

Anyway, enough with my crusade.