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  • Ahoyhoy. Saw a thread you started like a decade ago and figured I'd see when you were last active. More recently than I'd have thought, as it turns out!
    It's pretty nice, though I could do with less pollen :lol:

    The cities I've been in/around (here, obviously, a bit of Richmond, and some DC/NoVA) don't actually feel all that different than home to me, though that changes pretty quickly when one leaves town :lol: I'm glad I changed states. I think I've met a pretty different variety of people (and it's been a wide variety) than I would have if I stayed in California, and that's been a good thing.
    Oakland CA born and raised. I came a long way - I hadn't even moved houses before I came out here.
    I only sort of count, seeing as I came out here to go to UVA and have stuck around :lol:
    thanks! its a Carvin C66T. I actually don't have it anymore, was up for sale or trade for a while, not one here though as I'm a new member and don't have the "authority" to post gear ads :rolleyes::rant::squint:

    heres some more pics
    Community - George Takei's "Kevin" Phone Message - YouTube

    Put this as the voice mail message on your cell, and ye shall be a god.
    Hey, I just checked back on the MMA thread and saw you train there. I was just wondering how much it runs. PM me if necessary
    Hi there :) thanks for accepting!

    You have an awesome taste in guitars (especially with ESPs)!
    I kid I kid. ESP are great guitars man. And holy shit I replied uber late. Hope all is cool with ya KEVZ (see how awesome I made your name by adding a z at the end of it?)
    Yeah, the B7 was still there Thursday - I doubt anyone's bought it. They have 4 other Soloists, including one of the Custom Selects (the red one with the maple board and dots.)

    He's got a couple of Charvels, too. ;)
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