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  • Hey man! Yeah I really like it here in Iqaluit. I think it's just barely below the Arctic Circle, but the 24 hour daylight still exists! I've only been here a few weeks, but my impressions of the north are pretty positive, if I have a generous sense of humour about certain things. I've always lived in a city, so adjusting to small town life will take some time. The french language radio station plays a black metal show on Fridays, and I still can't get over how funny that is. :lol:
    You moved! My claim to's resident northern popsicle is restored!
    Thanks or the heads up, but that's not the X-Series one I was talking about. I mean the DTT700 model that usually goes for around $400 on eBay. :)

    Ibanez DTT700MGS Destroyer Solidbody Electric Guitar New | eBay
    Ah, I've been working on them more than playing them lately ..
    Got a couple coming together soon and starting on a couple more. Stay tuned!
    Hope you are recovering well man. Dangerous little time bomb, that appendix is. If it blows, it can take out a city block! Haha!

    Also, awesome pic of the lil one- got her a guitar early I see- excellent!
    A good place to start would be they have tons of step by step tutorials on doing different finishes on your guitar. Personally I liked your red black burst idea. You can do it with some spray cans- just take your time. Or go through old threads in the luthiery section here- I did a couple Squier 7s- maybe you will decide to do a natural stain. Check it out -to there's a lot to learn here! Also, keep playing for that babygirl!
    Congratulations on your new daughter! Hard to find guitar time with a baby- till they grow up with guitars all around them and then they always want you to get them out!
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