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  • Hey, I was at my local music store just looking around and they had this Ibanez RG420EG that was massively reduced cause they'd had it in the store for a few years. The list price is $1,295 reduced now to $695, and since I'm looking for a 6-string I'm feeling very inclined... They tell me there aren't many others like it, but can anyone tell me if it's worth putting me in debt for a while!
    Hi all, I'm Alex, a Sunshine Coast musician and 7-string owner. Love the instrument, and love my heavier styles and bands like Periphery, AAL and I'm hopping to start writting my own material and recording. I have some Videos on Youtube and a FB page if you want to see what kind of music I'm into.
    Just a keen muso, ready to get into the music community. Thanks!
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