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  • i contacted the guy HEXagramX is talking bout and he says hes gonna send pics :) if you havent gotten ahold of that dude then ill send the pics if he does. if you have im sorry if i wasted your time
    dude, so i was on craigslist and i found this add, ibanez 7 string w/amp what do you have?
    Pretty sketchy, i dont think anyone could get a truck, even if it was beat up for an RG7321 (or any of the 7xxx for that matter, look into it.)

    EDIT: i contacted him about it, and all he's telling me is that its an "ibanez" i asked him for a model, it might be yours bro, you never know..
    I don't know if it will be any help but I work for the county. I'll see what the Sheriff's can do if they can do anything, as well.
    Contacted any of the guys I know locally and I've got a craigslook search setup for any RGD's etc. I'm sure somebody will track it down, man. :cheers: Best of luck on the rest of your tour.
    Yo Devin, just a heads up now that you're out of the band/don't wanna be associated with em, you should probably have them remove you from the Myspace page as an added "I'm definitely not in the band"
    Hey man, just added your band on myspace... Them's some good tunes :hbang:

    How's it hanging?
    Aight maing, it's all good. If something works out, give a shout. Hope you had a good birthday!
    Hey man, you intersted in those EMG's? I shot you a PM cause missed your reply to the FS thread.
    so casper is with you guys now? i don't personally know him, as he was in blueprints before i joined, but i always hear about how fucking awesome he is at vocals..

    by the way, thanks a ton for the compliments and thanks for that offer, but we've got recording vocals covered...our old vocalist is doing them and playing some shows with us, we're just searching for a new permanent member because he can't tour
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