Filip S
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  • hellow man
    did you fix the s7320 trem problem?
    which pickups are in right now?
    i would like to see some clips if you have any kind of pickups besides the stock ones
    im considering buying a set of new pickups cause the stock ones sucks!!!!
    Hails and thanks in Advance!!!!!
    Not sure what that song is... Rusty Cooley has a song called 7 Deadly Sins, that refers to 7 string guitars..... so 7 Deadly Sins.... and 666 is tr00 Kvlt. Ist Kreig!
    Hi...I saw in some thread that you want to change haven't considered duncan passive...
    I have duncan custom + jazz on my S7320 and it's totally worth it;)

    EDIT/PS: I didn't have to route for it...
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