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  • I'm not sure if I can get my hands on anything amazing, it seems the largest I could go would be 1.3mm and hope that it shows up on the front and sides, I could use a small saw or chisel to make it fit right?
    Thank you Flo!
    Using a smaller piece to correct uneven fretting seems about fine to me! Now I can save money on a fret hammer :lol:
    Just out of curiousity, do you think inlaying a piece of pearl into the side to count as a side marker/fret marker would work?
    Hiya Flo, I understand you are in germany and probably asleep right now, but i'd like to ask about the fret pressing. Since I haven't the resource for a plastic hammer, I've thought of using the vice at my school's woodshop (there are vices on every table), and well, they're a bit bigger than the one you had pictured in my thread. I was wondering if it was possible to just press the whole fret in at once, using a piece of maple to cushion the fret so it isn't dented by the vice, would be a good idea. Since the walnut neck will be carved afterward, I don't think letting it touch the vice will hurt, if at all. Looking forward to your response!

    I'm getting there. I'm at the point where I have to make some mock-ups of the neck. Overall, it will be something like the Saul Koll RE-7F, but as a solidbody and with straighter string path behind the bridge.
    Forgot to say that I love the 8-string. How does it sit? Do you play standing or sitting?
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