Recent content by kman

  1. kman

    Fanned Frets?

    Those are fanned frets. My guitar teacher has two eight strings and a six string with the fanned frets. I played the six string and its not that much different that normal frets, for me at least.
  2. kman

    For Fans of Allan Holdsworth

    Sounds like a great time. Holdsworth is awesome :cool:
  3. kman

    Shipping Guitars

    Make sure you get insurance on your guitars. My brother bought a pair of headphenes off a guy and when they arrived they were destroyed(looked like a car ran them over). The seller didnt insure the headphones so he was out 300$ and a brand new pair of headphones.
  4. kman

    Bands you can't seem to really get into

    I really cant get into Aerosmith. I dont see why there so popular, all their songs are so boring.
  5. kman

    What are you listening to?

    Tribal Tech- Illicit
  6. kman

    Hearty Hello To All From The New Guy!

    Welcome to the forum. Nice guitars :yesway:
  7. kman

    Pink Floyd on Live8 Now

    :lol: Ya, Waters voice isnt what it used to be. I think they did a great job, it would have been nice if they would have played more songs though. Gilmore is still is a kick ass guitar player. :hbang:
  8. kman

    T-Shirt Color Vote

    Im going with dark gray.
  9. kman

    Video Game 9-String Bass!

    Indeed, that guy is a wizard.
  10. kman

    Official T-Shirt Headcount Thread - UPDATED

    Count me in, I can use a new shirt.
  11. kman

    internet game - kitten cannon

    880 :scream: , nothings better than launching cats out of a cannon.
  12. kman

    Dimarzio Cliplock Strap Owners

    Mines usually up so high the guitar is almost under my chin. IMO the higher the guitar the less strain on your wrist( and its just comfortable).
  13. kman

    Ernie Ball Music Man JP7(s)

    :eek: I have always loved those guitars, they are so nice. I played the six string version once, they are truly awesome guitars.
  14. kman Money Shot

    heres my guitar man :cool: (sorry about the green on the right side)
  15. kman

    Jazz improv

    Anyone here like Chick Corea? He was just in Pittsburgh. He is one of my favorite jazz musicians, hes fricken awesome. :scream: