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  • i'm totally spamming you right now, but you could always add me on FB if you like, I usually post a ton of shit in Swedish :lol:
    I don't know if you have ry_z or Ryan Greene on there, he has me added so you can find me on his list.

    Otherwise, my name is Adrian Öhlund. My profile pic is a picture of my ass in black & white.

    I would recommend looking up different Swedish dialects online and find sound samples of them, just to get a view of how different they are.

    For example, Skånska, which is what they speak in Scania has a very distinct R sound, influenced by Danish. Also, Göteborska (Gothenburg) has a very distinct nuance to it.
    I would also suggest looking up Norrländska, or Lulemål, Pitemål, Skelleftemål. That's what most people speak up north, I speak Skelleftemål, more of less.

    Just watch out so you don't stumble on to the old versions, because most people that aren't 50+ can't understand that very well, and it isn't widely used outside of the elder communities :lol: Those are often called "bondska", or some variation of it.
    Well, I don't know how you can hear more "a" than "ä" or "e" in "Här". It might be dialect, Sweden has A TON of different dialects.
    Words that start with "ä" or contain the letter are very influenced by this. Many, if not most Swedish people more often say "e" instead of "är" (when saying that particular word.) I usually say "är" just like I say "här" but without the H obviously :lol: I do sometimes say "e" instead of "är" though.

    What you're learning is probably what one would regard as proper Swedish, which is basically what they speak in the Stockholm region. We have so many dialects here that you can go 120km from me and find a different one. Get down south and it's even denser, I live up north and it's very sparsely populated around here.

    And remember; Ä is neither A och E, it has it's own sound.
    One of the mods, DJPharoah, I think, changed it after I liked all his posts in his 10000th post thread. I've been to lazy to change it since. :lol:
    Something I would recommend is listening to Swedish, you know, just to get exposed to the language. Even if you don't understand everything or anything at all it's good to let the ears get used to what it sounds like.
    I have no idea how you can hear that, to me it's perfect clear that he says "UUUUUUUUUUGGGNNNN!"

    You mean when he roars and puts the stuff in the oven? He's shouting "ugn", which basically means oven. It just sounds like UUUUUUUUUGGGH!! though :lol:
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