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  • Heh, it's cool bro! Don't worry about it, everyone's gotta start somewhere. :yesway:

    Say, do you record any music yourself?
    Yeah, there's a show coming up in november and I'll be going to that. I think I'll pick up either damnation or ghost reveries as the grand conjuration is awesome. Btw, could you post visitor messages on my profile? It just saves me from having to check back here to see it you've replied. :lol:
    It's ok. As far as Opeth goes, if you want their heaviest album, go for Deliverance. I forgot which three I mentioned btw. :p umm...as for the softest, go for Damnation, it is very peaceful in a creepy way. Then if you are into something that sounds just plain evil, I would go for Ghost Reveries. It has The Grand Conjuration on it. I saw them live a month r two ago, and it was the greatest show I had ever seen. If you get the chance, go see them. It is worth your money!
    Dammit! I just read your post below and only then did I bother to check my inbox! MySpace never sent me a "New Messages" notice! Sorry about that d00d. I'm replying right now. ;)
    I don't actually know what a neophyte is. I just got it from the video game Tekken 5 lol.
    I guess I am pretty much an initiate by the sound of things. So did you ever get that message I sent you on myspace? btw, your music is very relaxing.
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