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  • Shall do, man. We should meet up and jam some time. I'm trying to jam with as many people as possible ATM as I've spent 4 years without really playing with other musicians and I miss it. I think the things my playing lacks at the moment will be fixed by collaboration and spontaneity.
    That sounds brilliant.If you arrange any gigs in the future let me know.I really like stuff like that.I'm a big metal head, but i have consider my self really open minded when it comes to music.Hell... the greatest live band i've seen is Prodigy ffs.
    Yeah, I'm not really into the whole djent thing, either. I'm working on a progressive hyper pop band with a mate ATM but I'm into most stuff, from James Taylor to pantera.
    Mostly metal 80's/90's era.I'm not into the new genres,you know, djent and all that.
    Plus i really, really enjoy rock/grunge stuff
    I just noticed that your location is Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Scotland or another Edinburgh?
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