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  • Oh yeah. .... as a possible solution for you, if you sanded the neck heel down a little you would probably get the clearance you were looking for. Hm. I know an exchange would cost you postage at least. Let me pay some bills and see what I have left.
    Hey man, saw you had a .125 hipshot. Might be interested. How much were you looking at getting for it?
    Unfortunately a long time! The last build I used some wood I cut about a year and a half ago. I find some nice stuff sometimes but it can be a roll of the dice- sometimes the wood checks or splits and sometimes you find defects in side. I'm also very impatient. :)
    I work cutting trees away from the power lines. So I get lucky sometimes and find some really nice woods.
    I just need to continue my path of deforestation and I'll find some more walnut like that! :)
    Hey man-I think I found a drill solution! They make plunge drills and adapters kind of like this:
    Why would you ever need a plunge drill? Find out!

    I need to find one that will let me drill straight holes with my lil cordless cuz I can't afford a new big drill press!
    About your thread on the Agile Pendulums, I sent Kurt an email and he responded that there will be another run of them middle of the year.
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