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  • will do, man. Those player 2228s seem to be in some mystical vortex cause I could never find one. Do you have a project that requires one, or do you just miss it?
    Dude if you were out here we'd probably get you to be our third guitarist haha.
    im seriously wanting to do this trade argghghgh
    Pretty awsome, the night jams are kinda killing me. I got home maybe 4 hours ago and now ive gotta get ready to go to work in an hour haha (it's 8:16 AM here haha).

    OH NICE! So you might keep the 8 then?
    yeah pretty much.

    Oh yeah, the other guitarist in my band is actually pretty interested in buying your agilwe
    yeah haha, i still need a bit of time to think about it if your still interested.
    So how much of the album do you know? Have you heard the new beneath the massacre?
    nice dude, you should start doing youtube videos.
    I think thats one of the sickest tracks on the new record actually.

    I keep going back and forth about that trade by the way. Half of me says "This guitar is much more practical for me right now, it makes sense to do this" and the other half is "I love my 1527 and its basswood/ibanez stock pickup BS". UUUGHGHHGHG
    Dude how are we not friends on here? lol, yeah, cool, I think he should be online soonish to put up a new Monuments track :metal:
    Dude, can you get old Monuments soon? I forgot about it but man, I really really want it!
    did you ever hear back from them at all about you?

    your friend is a vocalist im assuming?

    Why dont you just write and record stuff, ill program drums for you if you want. Or you could ask that Cynic guy on here, I think he does programming for bands or something.
    Not doing anything until June pretty much show wise.
    I bought a mesa oversized cab that belonged to devin townsend though.

    I know what you mean, but out here "metalsz" means slayer and metallica and not Periphery and Danza
    Well at least you get to play a couple of shows, get some live pictures so women can gawk at you on fascismbook
    yeah there's just some fool playing metal, metal is for fools and devils. Are you a devil son? /Hillbilly voice
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