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  • awesome man.. i actually just talked to my friend that drums and he wants to get something going so were just looking for a bassist, another guitarist, and vox.. but yeh man talk to him and if hes interested tell him to hit me up.. thanks man
    hey man thanks for hitting me up.. im very open minded about styles.. i think many can agree that a band is the many unique sounds/styles of it's different members that give it the "unlike any other" sound.. im open to jazz prog/ metalcore/ hardcore/ even some neo-classical music.. but again thanks for contacting me man and if you know anyone (drummers, guitarists, bassists, or vox) tell them to get in touch i can give you my # through PM if seriously interested..
    dude, awsome, so the danza thing is a no go? lame

    sorry i havnt been on all week, super busy, ill try to get the programming done asap!
    Yeah from what I've heard the 808 is vastly superior than the 707, almost to the point that its an entirely different sound. I'm thinkin the next guitar I get will have blackouts. I'm also thinking about getting a 5150III when I have money.
    Right on. For the sake of discussion, I owned a Universe for awhile, and my 2027 is definitely better. I dig the Mahogany body a whole lot, and the neck, while similar, has a better feel to it IMO. They could use a pickup swap, but they're still not as bad as people seem to let on. I haven't tried the XL series Ibbys, but I've always wanted to try them.
    Yes but your 8 has a 7 built into it. ENGL heads are my favorite ever, so I'm eagerly anticipating having another. My Fireball was cool, but it lacked headroom and the shared EQ bugged me. The guy with the Iceman had an issue with shipping it too me, said it was too big, so he's gonna repack it. If he can't send it, I'm going to be fucking furious. My 2027 will be on the market again, if you're interested ;)
    haha you're a bad liar :)
    Although, as far as an Invader goes, I'd trade a 2228 for one in a heartbeat. I got hardcore ripped off trying to buy an Invader 150 :\
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