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  • Well i can only comment on the Hellraiser. I owened one the neck was a touch thick some dont like that i didnt mind it as i have big hands. What led me to getting rid of it though was actually the scale 26.5. It actually started to wear on my hands after awhile and would mess up me going to my regular scale 6's. I did like the EMGs and i had put Blackouts in it before i got rid of it that i liked also.

    Its up to you in the end. I myself am considering the Xiphos for my next 7

    THis is RITz.....I'll be buying a 7 string guitar recently but I am very confused....I have shortlisted 2 guitars within my budget 1. Schecter C7 Hellraiser 2. Ibanez Xiphos 7. Can you tell me which would be the better option? I am a metal guitarist & into heavy down tuned riffing....but also concerned about built quality & tonality. Please help. thanks in advance.
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