Recent content by Schecter QC Petition

  1. Schecter QC Petition

    So pissed about Schecter's quality control.

    As far as that Squire, it played like shit but it was put together well and no paint issues. There were no chips/paint runs/scratches. So my comparison is visual appearance, not playability. Can you honestly not be somewhat pissed that you spent a grand on a guitar and find out there is...
  2. Schecter QC Petition

    So pissed about Schecter's quality control.

    I was comparing MRSP. My point was to compare a Squire Strat to the Syn Custom. How can a guitar under $200 MRSP have no flaws and a Signature Model that goes for $1400 MRSP have flaws. I guess I just have high expectations. What if you bought an Eric Clapton Strat from Fender and it had...
  3. Schecter QC Petition

    So pissed about Schecter's quality control.

    Schecter's customer service is great. I haven't heard a bad thing about it. But after buying a guitar and having to send it back and then wait for a new one sucks. I bought a Orleans a few months back and I had to send it back b/c it developed a crack from the bridge to the binding. I had no...
  4. Schecter QC Petition

    So pissed about Schecter's quality control.

    My Hellraiser Solo-6 is perfect. In fact so is my Demon-7 FR Prototype and my C-1XXX. But my Synyster Gates Custom, Damien Elite-6 FR and Avenger Devil Prototype has some issues. They don't effect the playability. But myself and others feel that we need to let Schecter know what is going on...
  5. Schecter QC Petition

    So pissed about Schecter's quality control.

    Hey all-Me and few other Schecter fans have a FB page dedicated to the recent quality issues with Schecter. The page is not to bash Schecter but to bring the issues to light. Once I get enough photos w/detailed info I will give them to Schecter (I am FB friends with them). So please, please...