Recent content by se7en_immortal

  1. se7en_immortal

    Would an 8 string add a large amount of difficulty to a first build?

    yeah. probably won't do anything fancy at all for my first one. just the basics so I can get the basics down...y'know. Thank you guys for the input :)
  2. se7en_immortal

    Would an 8 string add a large amount of difficulty to a first build?

    Just wondering about this because the first one I build will be mine, and I'm wanting an 8 string to kind of go along with my 7. Thanx for any info in advance :)
  3. se7en_immortal

    I was thinking about building a 7-string. Is it much more difficult to build a 7-string than a...

    I was thinking about building a 7-string. Is it much more difficult to build a 7-string than a 6-string? Should I start with a 6?
  4. se7en_immortal

    Creationist DESTROYS evolution in 3 minutes!

    I didn't say that my faith wouldn't have an effect on others, I simply said that it would have no effect on you guys since I would probably not have the opportunity to meet any of you.
  5. se7en_immortal

    Creationist DESTROYS evolution in 3 minutes!

    you seem to throw this word around a lot. maybe you don't know what it means 0.o ar·ro·gant ˈarəgənt/ adjective adjective: arrogant having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. just thought you might need to see that. nothing I've done or said...
  6. se7en_immortal

    nice. I have emg's in my shecter and I love the way they sound. I've decided that's what will be...

    nice. I have emg's in my shecter and I love the way they sound. I've decided that's what will be in my first build. I can see why you chose them :)
  7. se7en_immortal

    I had never heard of Kraken Octa until I saw it on your profile. I just looked it up, and they...

    I had never heard of Kraken Octa until I saw it on your profile. I just looked it up, and they are beautiful. How does it sound/play ?
  8. se7en_immortal

    Creationist DESTROYS evolution in 3 minutes!

    ok... I couldn't resist coming you've got me wrong... I never told anyone they were wrong. I only said "this is what I believe" (essentially). I am in no way arrogant, I apologize if I came off that way. To The Q: That's the way to argue a point. Very respectful. I like you :) To...
  9. se7en_immortal

    Creationist DESTROYS evolution in 3 minutes!

    First off... I would just like to apologize about my outburst last night (my previous post). I let my emotions get the better of me, and I apologize. you guys say you're right because of evidences given by you, and a majority of scientists. yes, I will give you the fact that it's a majority...
  10. se7en_immortal

    Creationist DESTROYS evolution in 3 minutes!

    I have been coming back. I've been seeing the crap you guys are writing. I don't know what you think you're accomplishing, but apparently, you guys have no idea what faith is. I just refuse to argue with arrogant, rude condescending, disrespectful people who think just because science is real...
  11. se7en_immortal

    hey man, just listened to your song that you have on your signature. Sounds awesome! :) I love...

    hey man, just listened to your song that you have on your signature. Sounds awesome! :) I love the differences in timing, and phrasing. very nice
  12. se7en_immortal

    Creationist DESTROYS evolution in 3 minutes!

    Dude... seriously... no need to be a jerk about it... I was trying to be civil, and even friendly... then you post that??!! Seriously??!! how old are you ?? gees... nevermind... no need to answer. I'm done here... wow.
  13. se7en_immortal

    Creationist DESTROYS evolution in 3 minutes!

    ok guys, I really do have to go now. Enjoyed talking with ya. Gotta go cook yeah, I like cooking :P
  14. se7en_immortal

    Creationist DESTROYS evolution in 3 minutes!

    oh, sorry explorer, didn't see your question. yes, I agree on that :)
  15. se7en_immortal

    Creationist DESTROYS evolution in 3 minutes!

    ok, well, it's obvious we're not going to agree on this guys. lol. btw... That site with the title about the evolution train, that site is done by Christian scientists, not pastors. listen...I'm not trying to make you believe anything. that's totally up to you. I guess we'll just have to agree...