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  • Away from any serious computer capabilities from 8/15/13 - 8/27/13. Sorry if I don't post in a thread that would be favorable to update. Or, y'know, ask a newbie question which I'm actually rather prone to ding these days....Heh, in spite of playing for about 8 years now, I never really was all that interested in actually working on the guitar. But now! I'm adjustin' truss rods, and changing my action, and trying out different string gauges, and blocking tremolos....
    Alright, I gotta figure out a way to say this to anyone reading my posts...

    I'm legally blind. My sight is shit.
    My left eye is non-functional, and my right eye is blotchy at best. I have 2200 sight. I view my screen in 600% magnification already. It's tiring to read much black text on a white screen, and it's difficult for me even to spell check as I'm typing (It's pretty much the sensation of which key I hit that I use to backspace.)

    If I make a comment saying that I can't read something or that it's making my eyes hurt, I mean it. It's not being lazy, it's being sensitive to certain colors bound upon others.

    I apologize to anyone who is thrown off by my comment on a thread, but I really mean it when I say I can't read well.
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