VanDewart Guitars

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  • Hello,
    You can get brass threaded wood inserts from any hardware store; I think I got mine from Ace. McMaster Carr would most certainly have them. Take out a polepiece screw, find out what thread it is (different manufacturers may have different measurements), and get matching inserts. Take polepieces from two opposite corners of the pickup out, place the pickup in the cavity, and use a scribe, awl, or nail-set to mark the location of the holes. Then install the inserts.

    Could I send you pickups? No. Maybe you meant pictures? I have pictures of the completed guitar, but none of the pickup mounting.
    hey man I liked that idea of cutting off the ears and then mounting the pickup into brass inserts. Where did you get inserts that fit the pole pieces thread? And could you send me some pickups?
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