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  • the Jackson is in dropped C LOLOLOL and I'm doing well, semester is passed and shit :D.

    I'll be in the chat every day as usual ;)
    Similar to Cavalera Conspiracy, early Lamb of God. A bunch of other strange influences that come into it as well. The local scene's not amazing because people don't show up to enough to bands gigs, regardless of where they are. Lots of good bands though. Want for Destruction, End Soteria, Then Comes Chaos, Mastema, and my band Fist of Scars. You can find a bunch of stuff for any of them on Facebook, check them out and come down to a gig sometime if you want.
    Don't worry, I wasn't offering a place in the band anyway, just curious to see if you were anyone I knew.
    I've got to ask since I'm from Norwich as well, what band are you in around here? Fist of Scars frontman here.
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