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  • y t hace falta el cable q convierte las salidas d relay del g-major a entrada del footswitch del 6505. pa q puedas campiar los canales desde el gmajor. felicidades bro. el yo tengo el g major 1 y esta demaciado cabron no me puedo imaginar todo lo q tiene el 2!!!!
    tienes controller?
    mezclas-no tienen q tener el disco duro pa buscar las mezclas, esas se las entrego en cd. el disco es para q se lleven la data, q la pueden buscar despues sin problema.
    I got them the other day. One of them was missing the washer between the tuner body and the tuning knob, that can cause issues. I'm still trying to figure out what issues the others have, they all seem to be working perfectly...
    a seymour duncan SH5 custom. everyone thinks i'm crazy, but i thought it sounded too dull in there, haha.
    thanks dude!

    i see a left handed hellraiser in your picture, i think you may be happy to know that the 707 went into a lefty schecter 007, not to any backwards, right-handed guitar :lol:
    loco enviame los telefonos de los muchacho d la banda, incluyendo el tuyo pq no tengo cel y perdi todos mis contactos. Ya tienes la guitarra? vamos a grabar.
    nevermores a good band to learn i've been learning a lot of cannibal corpse working on solos non stop
    oh, hehe, didn't think of that, yeah, weird name for a stratformed guitar I guess. I simply hate the headstock. the new schecters, like the c7 and those are much sexier IMO. although, the headstock on mine is kinda original, because I have never seen a headstock even close to as ugly as mine.
    I'll see what I can do. fellow lefty eh? it's kickass hard to get a hold of a good guitar. I ordered two new schecters, a C7 blackjack, and a C7 FR, but they just took forever, and sent me the wrong stuff and everything, so I cancelled the orders. so I can't say I like schecter too much
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