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  • Thanks bro, the new place is pretty killer. Now I just have to unpack everything. :ugh: :lol:

    What type of saddle? Is it a low profile one, or a non-low. Do you need a "stepped" saddle, or one where they all have flat, even bottoms? I can't promise anything, and it'll take me awhile to find all my parts boxes and such. If I come across one that'll work I'll send it your way. :yesway:
    You mean the thickness od the neck?
    So... I tried some ibanez guitars and the necks were thin but flat, especialy on RG7321 and K7... and the strings were too far away from each other. I played some cheaper schecter models like Omen Extreme 7 which had the most baseball bat like neck ever and very small frets, then i tried a Demon 7 which was better but it had cheap feeling. When i bought mine hellraiser i was surprised becasue i was used to the jackson RX10d which had a perfect neck profile for me and the hellraiser has the almost same feeling just a little bit wider becasue its a seven string :p and for 1000eu or USD guitar is the best cheapest high quality necktrough guitar ever. If i would buy another one, it would be another hellraiser but with a floyd rose XD
    i saw it a back in august, right after i bought my RG7321. then i was gassing for it forever. i eventually sold the RG, and picked this up off the bay without hesitation
    def. toy around on the carvin site, only need 20% down to start the build and takes about 8 weeks for the build which gives you some good time to get it paid off. so affordable too, smokes the competition on price and the quality is up there with KXK and rico and others
    Don't look at me, I'm one of those good-for-nothings that thought it would be easier to play because it had fewer strings. :lol:

    I still suck at guitar, so I wonder what I'll try and play next. Maybe tuba. :lol:
    I actually sold that Universe to Adam of Angels a few months back. But I know there are a few uv's around the metroplex.
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