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  • These days, I play it most often unplugged; it has a sweet clear sound. Not super loud but fine for playing in my living room.

    Godin's piezo system has a nice EQ feature, and you can alter the tone a fair bit by boosting/cutting some frequencies.

    I am not a big pedal user, so I can't really help you there. The stock pickups actually get a good variety of tones. The bridge is pretty hot, iirc & it has some bite.

    I was going to replace the pickups eventually. I bought a Bartolini PBF-57 for the neck, because I had another guitar with Bartolini set in it and I absolutely loved it. Very clear and smooth jazz sound, with clear bass that is punchy but not boomy. I was not fully decided on what to put in the bridge. Don't get me wrong, the guitar doesn't need new pickups, I just wanted something different.

    BTW, I think I paid between $800-$900 for mine, used.
    $600 is an awesome deal, imo. It is the only 6 string i am keeping (except for my PRS SE Korina singlecut, because my little son named it "Birdie" and told me it is his favorite). The playability is superb, as is every Godin I have ever owned. If you don't like it, almost guaranteed you can resell for at least as much as you paid.
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