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  1. rahul_mukerji

    Album Art / CD Covers

    Thanks iRaiseTheDead for the kind words :agreed: Glad you liked some of the pieces !!!
  2. rahul_mukerji

    Album Art / CD Covers

    A few new ones And this one is a collection of all my previous works on one Album Cover
  3. rahul_mukerji

    Strandberg* JamTrackCentral Guitar Competition 2015

    Congratulations Marc Lambert for being a Runner Up in the contest !! :hbang::hbang: Such an AMAZING entry and well deserved recognition !! Good going man :agreed:
  4. rahul_mukerji

    Strandberg* JamTrackCentral Guitar Competition 2015

    Last day to cast your vote guys !! :hbang: If you like some of the entries you should vote for them. :agreed: You can vote for multiple people, so you're not just tied down to one entry. You can help the guys from the forum get in some last minute votes :cool: This will be the last...
  5. rahul_mukerji

    Album Art / CD Covers

    Thanks TommyG !!!
  6. rahul_mukerji

    Strandberg* JamTrackCentral Guitar Competition 2015

    Wow Marc In Exile that was an amazing entry as well. I hear a lot of Tommy Emmanuel, Martin Taylor and some Tim Miller/Rosenwinkel kinda sounds in there as well. Man, I wish I could play like that !!! Love me some Joe Pass kinda Jazz ... one man, one guitar ... but dangnabbit you can swear there...
  7. rahul_mukerji

    Strandberg* JamTrackCentral Guitar Competition 2015

    Oh man you're dead lucky !!! That is one of the camps I've always wanted to attend, but my work schedule doesn't permit it. Plus travel expenses ! I did manage to go to my first ever camp, the G4 2015 with Tosin, Guthrie and Satriani among other stalwarts. That was a very good camp. I got to...
  8. rahul_mukerji

    Album Art / CD Covers

    Made a few more :cool:
  9. rahul_mukerji

    Strandberg* JamTrackCentral Guitar Competition 2015

    Awesome Entries !! :hbang: TerminalFunction: Thank you !! That was an awesome Compliment !! I truly admire Mattias and his very unconventional / unorthodox styling. Glad that years of listening to Freak Kitchen and Mattias is starting to rub off on me :agreed:
  10. rahul_mukerji

    Strandberg* JamTrackCentral Guitar Competition 2015

    [Please move this thread to the appropriate sub category, if this isn't the place for it. Sorry I didn't know if this belongs under "Live Performance" or "General", so I put it here under "General" for now] Hello Fellow Forumers :wavey: I've decided to make a thread for the strandberg*...
  11. rahul_mukerji

    New Instrument Day: Chapman Stick

    Hey Dusty Chalk Yeah I have Greg's DVD. I got that with the Stick. So I'm working through that.The guy who sold it to me was kind enough to give me the DVD and some instruction on the tuning and such, so that saved me a MAJOR HEADACHE !! I know exactly what you mean though. That thing is...
  12. rahul_mukerji

    New Instrument Day: Chapman Stick

    Hey jonajon91 :wavey: The only thing I would say is talk to some people on the Stick forum to see what model would best suit you. They can recommend if a 10 or 12 string would meet your needs. They are a very helpful bunch of people :agreed: I dont think a 12 String would be too much...
  13. rahul_mukerji

    New Instrument Day: Chapman Stick

    Thanks guys !! Yeah I'm super excited about learning the instrument and hopefully integrating it with my present band at some point ... or playing it solo on the side. Hey Dusty Chalk: Are you on the Sickist forum as well ? I just joined there a few weeks back. Yeah I'm hoping to take...
  14. rahul_mukerji

    New Instrument Day: Chapman Stick

    [I'm not sure if this thread belongs here, but this seemed appropriate for Extended Range Instruments !] Hello Fellow Forumers !! After a few years of playing with a few 7 strings and subsequently my Ibanez 8 String, I finally got my hands on a beautiful 10 String Railboard Chapman Stick...
  15. rahul_mukerji

    Orphaned Land & Myrath

    Huge fan of both the bands as well. Fan of Yossi Sassi as well even though he left Orphaned Land. His solo albums are pretty good as well. I enjoyed his first solo album: Melting Clocks. Didn't dig Desert Butterflies so much. But def worth a listen.
  16. rahul_mukerji

    The Cynic Megathread

    Sad news, but yes it will be interesting to see what each of them does individually. And I would not mind a Gordain Knot album as well :hbang:
  17. rahul_mukerji

    Album Art / CD Covers

    New Set !!
  18. rahul_mukerji

    Album Art / CD Covers

    Thanks Rev2010 ! You've hit the nail on the head. That's exactly what my co-producer has been saying as well. "Your album art needs to reflect, on some level, the music inside". So you're not being a Debbie Downer :lol:. Well at this point I think I've come up with a design for my album...
  19. rahul_mukerji

    James Norbert Ivanyi (For fans of Tool, Opeth, The Haarp Machine)

    He was featured in the Suhr videos as well. His album The Matter Circumvention is amazing. :yesway:
  20. rahul_mukerji

    Album Art / CD Covers

    Hey ThePhilosopher :wavey: Thanks for stopping by !! Yeah, some of them have way too much going on, but I was open to everything from busy to minimal just to add to my portfolio. That said, I like the feedback on the lamp post image and I'll try and play with it to see if I can get...