Search results

  1. DreamState

    M-207 Blues

    First off, holy crap it's been almost a year since I've posted something here. Anyway, I just need some advice regarding my first and so far only 7, my left handed LTD M-207. I've discovered that I honestly dislike the pointy, reversed headstock with a fiery passion and one of the frets has...
  2. DreamState

    Fears and phobias

    Holy fucking piss am I scared of the Slender Man. I know it's not real, but dear god :ugh: Some of my more "tangible" phobias are Trypanophobia (needles going in me), Apiphobia (bees), and a mild case of Hemophobia (blood)
  3. DreamState's favorite shoes!

    Holy shiz those are nice, Sway! What brand?
  4. DreamState's favorite shoes!

    I'm probably gonna get a lot of flack for this, but I really don't like the typical super-padded skate shoe. Generally my favorite pair of kicks are my black slip-on Vans. They're comfy, stylish, and match every outfit I've got (I'm a fashion-conscious dude). However, I've recently been rocking...
  5. DreamState

    What's your Oldest CD?

    My oldest disc is actually my first, which is a little embarrasing, considering it's five years older than me: Phil Collins-No Jacket Required. I also have an ages old copy of Ratt's "Out of the Cellar" parents had a horrible effect on my taste in music when I was much younger....>.<
  6. DreamState

    Obscure OD pedals

    I've actually been using a Boss PW-2 Power Driver for a bit of a slightly different distorted sound. Apparently they were really poor sellers, but I really dig the way they sound
  7. DreamState

    New ESP signature

    I must be one of the few people here who's actually 100 percent okay with this guitar. I actually kind of like the pickguard, it suits it in a way. But I do prefer the silver a bit more
  8. DreamState

    Question regarding paint

    Alright, so the other night I was hanging with the Christian Surfers, and a friend of mine and myself started talking about art. This guy's a pretty good local artist, and does work for most of the local surfer's boards. I mentioned that I wanted to get my Ibanez repainted because, honestly, I'm...
  9. DreamState

    What do ya think?

    I'll admit, it's a bit odd seeing you playing a guitar with less than 27 frets, but it's a damn nice guitar. Love the purple drip finish
  10. DreamState

    Horrible Guitar Land!

    Either him or Amir Derakh. It looks like one of his guitars from the Orgy days
  11. DreamState

    The official guilty pleasure thread!

    Fuuuck. Thanks, man. I'm new, so feel free to laugh
  12. DreamState

    The official guilty pleasure thread!

    We all have certain bands, artists, etc, that we often listen to, but only in the privacy of our own homes when no one is around. Now's your chance to speak freely without ridicule about those certain little tidbits in your playlist that make others cringe!
  13. DreamState

    And once again, another new guy..

    Thanks, all. And damn, you were right. I am on this thing more than Facebook! Oh well, this is way more addicting
  14. DreamState

    Bands Whose Tone you like, But Don't Like Their Music? Or Like their Music, not tone?

    In terms of "love music, hate tone": Stanley Jordan. I know he's kind of a one trick pony, but I can't help but love his music. His tone however, leaves much to be desired. Kind of the stereotypical solid state clean that you would hear on any smooth jazz station. Faith No More. Jim Martin's...
  15. DreamState

    Horrible Guitar Land!

    Seriously....what sick person thought this was cool?
  16. DreamState

    And once again, another new guy..

    Greetings, seven stringers! After a couple of years of stalking, I've finally decided to "come out of the shadows" as it were and officially join this fun little group. Anywho, I'm a young guy, currently a college student studying music, and working on my ultimate goal of becoming a full time...