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  1. H

    Fs-kxk v 7-string

    :lol: do you think they'l let me bring it to jail
  2. H

    Fs-kxk v 7-string

    this is the only guitar i have left i sold all my others to pay for this one.
  3. H

    Fs-kxk v 7-string

    i know, i know it sucks. i was looking forward to playing it live. but i know this is the right thing to do.
  4. H

    Fs-kxk v 7-string

    whoops sorry. i read it but i must of missed some stuff. thanks for leting me know
  5. H

    Fs-kxk v 7-string

    this is killing me but an expensive guitar, a family, and no money just doesnt add up. eBay My World - mbr1130 hers my ebay information you can reach me at xxx-xxx-xxxx (PM for phone number) or at im in western penslyvannia usa specs 7-string, 27" scale, single emg 81-7...
  6. H

    KxK SII-7 Pics Finally (Stereotypical 56k Joke)

    nice kxk. im not to far from pittsburgh i thought for sure i would be the only one in the area with a kxk. are you in a band i might of heard of it if you are.
  7. H

    My two new babies

    im about 20mins from pittsburgh. the outfit is awesome its a dimebag one with his signature guitar on it and say "im a shredder not a bed wetter" and says dimebaby on the back. thanks for all the congrats from everyone. yeah i havent been playing guitar as much as i used to but its deffently...
  8. H

    My two new babies

    here they are my kxk and my son. the kxk is awesome the greatest guitar i have ever play. never really owned a 7-string and going from a 6 to this was easy. everthing thing is perfect execpt one thing. haveing to choose between my boy or my guitar to play with. the boy seems to always when.
  9. H

    My soon to be kxk

    ebony fret board with white binding and no inlays.
  10. H

    My soon to be kxk

    that would be cool but no i dont think they make the emg 81-7 in green. yeah cant wait to get.
  11. H

    Hahaha, low-E sludge (mp3 content)

    i like that alot. zakk whylde has those strings with 70 guage string
  12. H


    i think that color red with gold hardware and gold pick-up rings would look good. did you ever think of the emg pa2. i had one and i noticed when you have the distortion cranked did doesnt make much of a difference but then i stated using a overdrive that wasntnt as distorted as my old sound...
  13. H

    Death Metal/Grindcore Musicians Wanted (Pennsylvania)

    wow theres people in this part of the would intrested in death metal/grindcore. the band im in played at club octaine a couple times. Charleroi is where we are from and everyone just intrested in emo or metalcore. good luck with finding people. heres are...
  14. H

    My soon to be kxk

    hehe the green lantern huh? i dont know i just somthing different for once i had my share of all black guitars. i have been waiting since August.
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    My soon to be kxk

    i aways liked green and never really found myself using the neck pick-up.
  16. H

    My soon to be kxk

    its almost done cant wait