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  1. nightflameauto

    SSO: Deep Thoughts

    This is why you never, ever post anything real on the internet. Somebody always seems to think they're your therapist.
  2. nightflameauto

    SSO: Deep Thoughts

    This is me coming to terms with it. I ain't seeking death for death's sake. I'm just saying, if somebody provided a smooth exit that still made sure my family was taken care of? Logic would dictate the path. No need to get all sentimental about it. I'm certainly not.
  3. nightflameauto

    SSO: Deep Thoughts

    I got one person that sees me on a regular basis that I know would be happier with the money. Everybody else will shed a tear or two, then remember they only see me when they need something. I'm not seeking death as we stand today. I'm just looking at my own life logically and realizing it's a...
  4. nightflameauto

    SSO: Deep Thoughts

    Well, now, I don't want anybody getting the impression I'm actually suicidal. Just doing a little self-analysis and realizing my contribution to the world is gonna be a net negative. Combined with the "we need less humans" thing, I honestly think there should be an available exit that still...
  5. nightflameauto

    SSO: Deep Thoughts

    Ultimate win: My left-behind are compensated well enough monetarily that the brief grief they feel from losing the living body of me is washed away in it. No creating more misery on the way out. Suicide bomber does not fit that criteria on either side. I don't believe in the 72 virgins thing...
  6. nightflameauto

    SSO: Deep Thoughts

    I'm afraid I'm gonna need guarantees that my family be paid all my winnings for living life by the rules. Al Qaeda doesn't strike me as a valid path toward that ultimate win.
  7. nightflameauto

    "Not Worth its own thread" Thread

    Once upon a soul ago, I knew a dude that played bass in a local death metal band. He got one of these pedals, put it in front of his Ampeg SVT and 8x10, then promptly wigged up, flash-changed into some spandex, and started rocket kicking to covers of tunes by Death, Possessed, Obituary, and...
  8. nightflameauto

    SSO: Deep Thoughts

    Deep thought - I think if I could find a way to peace out and leave my wife with all the *winnings* that we get for making it to the end game on the prescribed path by humanity's owners (life insurance / ESOP / SS / whatever other golden handcuffs I got on right now) I might actually just go...
  9. nightflameauto

    "Not Worth its own thread" Thread

    Stick Vac? Pretty sure I saw a few of those the last time I visited the adult toy store.
  10. nightflameauto

    Movies you've been watching...

    It had good acting? I couldn't tell over the sound of suction coming off the screen.
  11. nightflameauto

    Sub-genres: What’s What?

    Where you buy a ten string guitar, then use the bottom string for rhythm and the top two to toss in an accent note every once in a while. Fancy effect baby angel drones for added ambience, natch. When we've gotten to the point where it's harder to pick a genre than to write a song, we've hit...
  12. nightflameauto

    SSO: Deep Thoughts

    Digiorno pizza absorbs directly into the bloodstream as fat and energy suppressant. It'll be pooped out eventually, but it will spend six weeks fucking with your innards and taunting your entire cardiovascular system first. "Hey, bitch, bet you'd like to breathe, wouldn't ya? HA HA!"
  13. nightflameauto

    Movies you've been watching...

    Tenet was disappointing before it was made. No way to live up to that hype cycle. That said, maybe they could have spent a little time nailing down logical consistency? I was disbelieved out by about the ten minute mark. It just wasn't all that well thought out. The reverse bullets thing may in...
  14. nightflameauto

    "Not Worth its own thread" Thread

    The failure was on the part of the Kraft cheese mix. Beer cheese mac & cheese is the shit. Beer cheese most things is the shit. Beer cheese nachos? Yes please. Beer cheese ramen with steak strips and fried peppers is my "classin' this shit up" late night snackin' material. Crushed Doritos on...
  15. nightflameauto


    Cats are the only friends you'll ever have that will love all over you one minute, then trip you at the top of the steps and watch gleefully as you break your neck and limbs on the way down. We worshipped the little bastards for centuries. They still haven't gotten over it.
  16. nightflameauto

    Sub-genres: What’s What?

    How dare you!
  17. nightflameauto

    "Not Worth its own thread" Thread

    I may have told this one before. I'm old enough, just nod quietly and walk away if you've heard it before. When grandpa and grandma went into the retirement home, they did what they always do with everything and made it their own. Within a year they had the residents planting their own garden...
  18. nightflameauto

    Sub-genres: What’s What?

    Genre - Metal Subgenre - "rocks": Makes the body move in rhythm, perhaps polyrhythm, with the head, hands, feet, and penis all bouncing in different time signatures. Please note: Polyrhythm body banging is not for the uninitiated. Attempt only under supervision. This subgenre brings the thunder...
  19. nightflameauto

    "Not Worth its own thread" Thread

    I used to raise hot peppers for hot sauces and spice mix. The spice mix was a blend of dried peppers, mustard seed, garlic, and a few other sundries. At any rate, I had a squirrel coming after my tomato plants, so stealthily snuk a habanero in between the tomatoes the next spring. And I was...
  20. nightflameauto

    Movies you've been watching...

    Finally watched "The Gentlemen." Some good individual scenes, but clearly a writer obsessed with the Hollywood process. When viewed as a whole, it's not much. Just an excuse to play with the idea of Hollywood not quite meshing with reality, and playing games with some good actors. Too bad. Lots...