Search results

  1. D

    Budget replacement PUP's

    I am in a situation where I don't have a lot of disposable income, and yet I want to update the pickups in my Washburn. There are a lot of opinions on best 7 string pickups, but what about best "bang for buck"? I have looked on ebay and there isn't really a good selection of used 7-string...
  2. D

    Extreme favoritism on here?

    Sure, they didn't market thier 7 string models very well, but can still be had for a mere pittance. Here are 3 on ebay right NOW . These are the hard tail versions (mine has a floyd). But they are great playing and sounding guitars. I am sure not as nice as a Universe, but perfect for a first...
  3. D

    To trem or not to trem???

    I think it totally depends on your style of playing. Most of my guitars had a floyd before I picked up my 7, so I had already incorporated using one into my playing style, therefore when I got a 7, it has a Floyd. If you are used to playing with one, you miss it if you don't have one...
  4. D

    Hey Scott Ian worshippers

    I actually really like "The Weapon" pedal, and I didn't nessesarily buy it because I wan't to sound like Disturbed. The biggest selling point for me was the signature pick. :-) It has some pretty cool and fun settings that make nioses that my other pedals/amps don't. The "mix" output on...
  5. D

    Limp Bizkit's new album/song/video

    I agree with most folks that Fred's mouth is a real turn off, but I also like some of the stuff they have done in the past. There are at least 2-3 songs on every one of thier CD's that I really like, and I bought "Starfish" becuase I like all but a few of the tracks. I also think that thier...
  6. D

    The Rules Of Metal

    Bringing the discussion back from reminising about the old days.... I have had this posted on the wall above my amp for a few years now. I will also be the first to admit that I am in violation of a few of them. Allow me to administer the supreme "Rules of Rock". :metal: RULES OF...
  7. D

    who's the good guitarist in korn?

    I never really thought much about 'em as guitar players in the same way I would think of most other folks since in thier music, the guitar didn't seem to carry the melody as much as the vocals or the bass. Plus I don't remember ever seeing (or hearing) either one play anything that would...
  8. D Interview: Dave Weiner

    Thanks again for all of your time put into your research and for using the questions we all suggested! -Dan- :metal:
  9. D

    Lynch LTD Baritone

    He played a baritone on the 1999 Lynch Mob "Smoke this" CD. On that tour he had a custom double neck with a baritone and standard 6 string. His recent stuff off of "Furious George" was all done using his original Tiger ESP and his ESP Strat, since it is all classic Rock covers. -Dan-...
  10. D

    Who are your top five influences?

    Eddie Van Halen George Lynch Jimi Hendrix Steve Vai Eric Clapton -Dan- :metal:
  11. D

    John 5?

    Hi solo CD is really good. I am going to have the oportunity to meet him and attend a group lesson with him this summer at National Guitar Workshop in LA. I'll let you know if he shows up in makeup or not. :eek: -Dan- :metal:
  12. D

    Dave Weiner - I've set up an interview!

    I recently saw the Vai tour last moth and picked up Dave's CD at the show. The disk is freakin' brilliant! Honestly it was while listening to his CD and surfing ebay that I picked up a 7 string guitar, and ended up here... :shred: I would like to hear more about his own band and some of his...
  13. D

    'nother MP3

    ...and there is some really great playing on it. :bowdown: Well worth it. If you don't have it, you should order it. If you are nice maybe he will autograph it like he did mine. :-) Sorry if this is a FAQ Vince but what software/interface are you using on your DAW? -Dan- :metal:
  14. D

    Computer recording - new setup questions

    It sounds like we are comming from a very similar place. I also have ACID, and I really like its ease of use, but I have also noticed some of its limitations. I built my Pro Tools rig for the exact same reasons: However, I am realizing that most musicians I know don't use Pro Tools...
  15. D

    Computer recording - new setup questions

    It sounds like you are trying to optimize your purchase to host a Pro Tools (MBox) rig. Maybe I missed it, but is there a specific reason you are looking at Pro Tools? A few things to keep in mind with an MBox is that you have to always have it plugged into the machine in order to launch Pro...
  16. D

    Mod your own pedals

    I am not an EE, but I have used a soldering Iron, and I modded my own $25 Ibanez TS-5 Soundtank Tube Screamer to make it have basically the same circut as the TS-808. Total cost in parts was about $15. Total time was about 30min. It sounds amazing. I still can't beleive folks pay either $300 for...
  17. D

    'nother MP3

    I really like your stuff. Very cool. However "Spirits Rise" is the track that sold me. I am fan of electronica music as well and I really like the way you combined the 2 styles. Good Stuff! -Dan- :metal:
  18. D

    If anyone's a Toshi Iseda fan

    Chris - Are you going to do an interview with Toshi? -Dan- :metal:
  19. D

    Washburn WG-587V anyone?

    If I do a pickup replacement, I want to swap out all of them. (Mainly to get all matching colors). If I went the Dimarzio route (EVO7 in the bridge, Air Norton in the Neck) what should I put in the middle? The Blaze Middle? What about a good source? Where is the cheapest location you guys get...
  20. D

    Washburn WG-587V anyone?

    According to the specs on the Washburn site, the WG-587V is basswood. What about EMG's? I have heard that the 707's require some extra routing to install (I guess they are bigger), but what about 81-7's? Are they a standard size 7 string pickup? -Dan- :metal:

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