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  1. AngstRiddenDreams

    Prog-Sludge Mix Test

    @Sumsar thanks for checking it out and leaving your notes. I went back to original project file to adjust the drum balance a bit and bring up some ambient guitars. I had printed the buses to wav files to free up processing as SD 2.0 and all my VST's consume a shitton of resources. The kick...
  2. AngstRiddenDreams

    Ibanez 2024 NAMM

    I really wish they would actually reissue some Roadster II’s. I have one from the year before they transitioned to the RG style that was the first year of Edge trem production and it’s the shit. It’s a stattier superstrat but it’s still a metal machine. Especially having a custom pickguard made...
  3. AngstRiddenDreams

    New Jeff Loomis "Noumenon" Signature SD pickups (passive!)

    That’s true, in this case I suppose it does make lots of sense and the price point is certainly much better than BKP. I just feel a little oversaturated by the constant stream of sig gear.
  4. AngstRiddenDreams

    New Jeff Loomis "Noumenon" Signature SD pickups (passive!)

    There are way too many god damn signature pickups. I love pickup options but Jesus there’s already dozens of models from most major manufacturers…and I feel like the option paralysis is too much. I haven’t listened to the clip, nor am I going to, but I would imagine there’s already a pickup out...
  5. AngstRiddenDreams

    How long did it take before you were okay with hearing your voice?

    I find that my biggest problem with singing is trying to hear myself properly over things and feeling like the delivery is bad because of that. You might find that you like your voice more when it’s compressed and with a bit more reverb. Tracking vocals into pre-fx helped me to feel more...
  6. AngstRiddenDreams

    Prog-Sludge Mix Test

    Been plugging away at this (mixing and double tracking vox) and wanted to see how loud I could get it. Is this too loud, any noticeable pumping / distortion in a bad way? Appreciate any comments :) Louder master / remix
  7. AngstRiddenDreams

    Ugly resonance in guitar's middle pickup position

    I believe you. Middle positions and neck pickups sound cool with distortion but you do have to be really careful what type of sound you’re trying to force them into, because structuring the tone like a tight/aggressive sound brings out horrible (subjective) pick attack and high end. I hate the...
  8. AngstRiddenDreams

    Ugly resonance in guitar's middle pickup position

    I’m not sure what you’re talking about, I play chords with open strings a shit ton with loads of gain and never have issues with it killing my ears. 10db was a bit of an exaggeration, just try a semi-narrow Q with a few dBs to start and see what that does? It’s fairly common to have to notch...
  9. AngstRiddenDreams

    How Long Before String Changes?

    When I notice that the clangy and bright attack starts to die out noticeably. Using D’Addario NYXL’s I can usually get two days of use before the sound degrades noticeably.
  10. AngstRiddenDreams

    Ugly resonance in guitar's middle pickup position

    Can you post a clip of this? I notice that different IR’s/mic placements can cause persistent resonances (whistling). It really wouldn’t be all too difficult to notch out this frequency on a bus, I don’t understand your aversion to that.
  11. AngstRiddenDreams

    Prog-Sludge Mix Test

    :lol: Yes, the ever elusive purposeful grime. I spent so much time on this forum trying to mix ultra-clean stuff it's been a fun transition to making sim based gear attempt this style. Thanks for checking it out!
  12. AngstRiddenDreams

    10 Speaker Shootout, Down Tuned Metal - Fair Warning: It's a Youtube video but it's just speaker noises.

    Dude super cool, it always makes me stoked when people throw these together! Some surprises for me. Definitely loved the Jensen and that Peavy was also super awesome.
  13. AngstRiddenDreams

    54 gauge for a low B, am I finally losing it...

    That's insane, but also could totally contribute to their sound with the HM-2. There's something about the attack and pitch warble of thinner strings that sounds extra nasty when you pick hard. I've always felt the 52-10 sets in Drop C were fairly light for how common it is, like playing 9's in...
  14. AngstRiddenDreams

    What is your next guitar/gear purchase gonna be?

    An attenuator, because while a 1x12 is less speaker than the 2x12 I was using before, my Sovtek is still so goddamn loud. :lol:
  15. AngstRiddenDreams

    Prog-Sludge Mix Test

    Hey there, I've been working on a track over the last few months that I'm really stoked with the result, but I was hoping to have some others check it out to see if it translates well on a variety of environments. I'm trying to go for a huge but punchy low end and an overall darker vibe...
  16. AngstRiddenDreams

    My best production to date. AMA

    Sounds fantastic. I'm a really big fan of how the centered clean guitar in the intro of the first track sits in the depth field. Super chewy guitar tones too! Not sure I have anything I could think of to improve this. Maybe a bit more sub content in the whole mix?
  17. AngstRiddenDreams

    I seek to capture THICC tone and a wide, expansive sound. Did I succeed?

    Damn Xaios, I've never followed this thread before but this is pretty crazy improvement. It's like a catalogue of your mixing skill since 2019 :lol: Sounds great in the newest update, I'd say the low-end falls out of the mix a bit when you go into the heavier sections. I don't think there's...
  18. AngstRiddenDreams

    What bands did you see live recently / are waiting to see?

    That is actually surprising because it’s a two month long tour or more. I had never listened to them and it was so amazing. Wild how much of their stuff was that far ahead of the late 90’s early 2000’s.
  19. AngstRiddenDreams

    What bands did you see live recently / are waiting to see?

    I saw Sleepytime Gorilla Museum last night after Kayo Dot and had my mind thoroughly blown beyond what I thought was possible.
  20. AngstRiddenDreams

    Single coils for a Strat

    I can't speak to the pickups in your original post but I am so absolutely in love with the Bareknuckle Cobra bridge pickup that I have to recommend it. It has great high end, but isn't shrill and single coil-like. Super aggressive pick attack and cleans up nicely.