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  1. Tereon

    What´s the difference between Jon Petrucci/ Andy James dunlop flow picks and the standard ones?

    Hey guys, I recently bought a few packs of the dunlop "flow"-picks, and I´m really digging the shape, right now the 4.2mm variant is my main pick. I also used the 2.0mm variant in both the standard and the jumbo size. I was wondering, is there an actual difference between the 2.0 standard flow...
  2. Tereon

    Which picks are those?

    Hey guys, after cleaning up the last day, I discoverd a load of picks (yeah). But I have no idea what one kind of plec is soposed to be, I think its a dunlop but not quite certain. They play very nice so i really would like to know what im dealing with. I included a Dunlop Ultex 1.4 for...
  3. Tereon

    Is that normal? Ibanez bolt-on sevenstring

    Ok, thats good to know, I tend get to get overl picky when I get new stuff. My issue was the gap between the end of the fretboard and the body,as most of you figured. Thanks alot for the input. Edit: I just looked at hte picture again and was how small the gap actually is, my brain tends to...
  4. Tereon

    Is that normal? Ibanez bolt-on sevenstring

    Hey Guys, I recently ( two days ago) purchase a Ibanez rgdix7mpb, iron labe series. It plays pretty nice, but theres something off on the bolt-on neck: Here are some pictures of the issue: I just wanna kow, is this normal or a real issue? I like the guitar, but I wanna get the best out of...
  5. Tereon

    Locking tuner help

    Which way are you unwrapping your strings? When I´m doing it, I take my string cutter, clip it aroung the string so that it sits in one of the windings, pull it till there´s a nice chunk loose, and then just unwrapp the rest by hand. Doesn´t even take a minute if you do it like that
  6. Tereon

    Bought it back! And a trae as well

    Nice man! This multiple D-tuna thing is pretty cool, never thought of that
  7. Tereon

    Low "B"rooooooowwww.

    The nut slot could be too wide. I´ve never experienced this myself, but as far as I know the only proper way to fix this is a new nut.. I heard about a baking soda/superglue option but I don´t know how well this will turn out, maybe someone is more experienced with this than me...have you filed...
  8. Tereon

    Low "B"rooooooowwww.

    A 62 should give you plenty of tension in B so this shouldn´t be an issue. If the nut was the problem you would usually see that.. the string wouldn´t be completely "inside" of the slot. To get rid of the buzz you may just have to raise the action a tad, and probably adjust the truss rod a little.
  9. Tereon

    Thanks dude, always had a problem getting a proper djent tone out of my pod, but those are...

    Thanks dude, always had a problem getting a proper djent tone out of my pod, but those are exactly what I was going for, really appreciate it!
  10. Tereon

    NGD - Carvin DC727 "Lagoon Burst" 56k Begone!

    Holy mother of bulb, this is gorgeous:eek: The quilt is just unreal, I can´t get over how 3D it looks and the finish may be the best thing ever, period. Lagoon Burst describes it perfectly. It´s unbelievable how well that turned out, really good move from carvins side, and 100 extra bucks and...
  11. Tereon

    NGD: My Second Custom :-)

    HNGD, man! The bridge looks really interesting, how does it feel, especially compared to more common ones like the hipshot?
  12. Tereon

    Schecter Hellraiser C-7 string gauge for a low tuning

    I wouldn´t recommend this set at all, the tensions between the strings are unbalanced as f**k. Also a .74 won´t provide enough tension unless you like floppy strings, I would go .80 at the very least. I advise you to use this .11 to .52 set: Daddario EXL116 with this single .80 string for the...
  13. Tereon

    Why doesnt Ibanez offer ebony fretboards?

    I was told that the way ibanez puts the frets on the board nowadays wouldn´t work on ebony, since it´s much harder than rosewood and maple, and they don´t want to upgrade their manufacturing process since that would require spending lotsa money:ugh:
  14. Tereon

    Check out this Suhr! (Curly Koa Top + Black Limba body)

    The speed knobs look really good on this one
  15. Tereon

    Cheap recording setup for ultra noob

    Hey folks so as the titel suggests, I´m as noobish as it gets when it comes to recording, I have no experience whatsoever. I basically just want to record some ideas for now, thought i might look into professional-ish recording later on, so it would be nice if my setup was "upgradeable" I...
  16. Tereon

    Can anyone else not play weedly weedly without a trem?

    I blocked the trem on my main axe because I love messing around with different tunings/string sizes, nevertheless I know exactly what you´re talking about. This certain urge to grab the bar, the feeling that there is something missing in the solo without it... I miss the trem a lot :( I´ll...
  17. Tereon

    NGD - Blackat Ninja Zebra 7 Green Lime Burst (56k doesn't exist)

    Wow dude, i´m neither a huge fan of green guitars nor of the tele bodyshape, but this thing looks just heavenly. Perfect top right there! Also cats ftw
  18. Tereon

    So... I played a MII RGD today... (rant ahead)

    Well the cheaper Ibanez, or MII guitars in general, are kinda hit and miss. Those axes are usually at least a halfway decent, but there are some lemons, even some really bad ones like the one you played.
  19. Tereon

    Ibanez Iron Label VS Ibanez Premium

    Yeah, thats kinda the point ofthat whole premium nametag:lol: I was trying to say that, if the iron label series was built to premium standards, they would have labelt those that way too:cool:
  20. Tereon

    New Ibanez 7 string Xiphos?

    Xiphos body shape? YES! 27" scale? HELL YES! Single pickup? Well thats a shame...