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  1. Dakotaspex

    NGD! Loaded JP6

    That is looking like how it will be for me, too. Great guitar.
  2. Dakotaspex

    NGD! Loaded JP6

    Hey, guys! It has been a while since I've been on the forum, as working full time and playing a LOT of music has kept my hands pretty tied. However, I managed to snag the gnarliest deal of all time so I couldn't NOT post this! I present to you, my very own JP6! I'm gonna keep this short, as...
  3. Dakotaspex

    NGD - DC727 - Koa, Limba/Koa, Zebrawood

    Sorry to kind of give this a bit of a necrobump, but beautiful guitar! I'm between a zebrawood or an ebony fretboard on a CT7 i'm about to order. How is the zebrawood doing you? Is it a tight grain? Feel good when playing fast, doing bends, etc?
  4. Dakotaspex

    Tell me all about your PRS SE 7's!

    I love them! I got to play one and I actually liked the shorter scale for standard tuning. Wouldn't be too bad for drop A or half step down either. Just compensate with string gauges and stuff and you'll be fine! I want the Amethyst one with a Seymour Duncan JB/59
  5. Dakotaspex


    Dat axe, doe. Welcome! :hug:
  6. Dakotaspex

    Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Reborn & Peavey 6505+, differences?

    I think of the Peavey as "tight with bite." The Mesa in my opinion poops on the 5150 (I owned a 5150II at one point). Even that being said, I've played on a LOT of block lettered 5150s and it just wasn't my idea of heavy. Mesas in my opinion sound GARGANTUAN, but this is all preference. I...
  7. Dakotaspex

    Strandberg Boden OS: Good first 7 string?

    I wish I could have gotten a Boden for my first 7 string. lol. If you can do it, I'd go for it.
  8. Dakotaspex

    Best Place for Guitar Refinish?

    Hey guys, looking to refinish my Ibanez RGD2127z. Looking for the most color options, most decent pricing, and someone that does the headstock as well as the body (mismatched headstocks annoy the living hell out of me). Any suggestions?
  9. Dakotaspex

    Rant about pickup swaps/tone complaints

    For the most part, I agree. BKPs aren't any better than Dimarzios, SDs, etc., but at the same time, a lot of the voicings on the BKPs are different. Different strokes for different folks. I know a lot of people are in love with the Crunchlab/Liquifire combo, but I despise the crunch lab with...
  10. Dakotaspex

    BKP Ceramic Nailbomb Question!

    Okay guys, I'll keep this brief, as I don't want this to turn into another pickup suggestion thread. I already bought the pickups, so I'll do my best to make them work in whatever I decide to get (or keep). The question is: If you have owned a ceramic Nailbomb from BKP, did you like it in...
  11. Dakotaspex

    Carvin Vader

    Dangit. Well, I guess if I get one, it'll be an 8 for the 27" scale. Have a 26.5" scale and I much prefer 25.5". Still should be a sick guitar though. Hope I get to try one.
  12. Dakotaspex

    Critique this mix and master I did!

    Any tips on getting the drums to sound more real? I know this is a problem I've been struggling with!
  13. Dakotaspex

    Scarlett 2i2

    ASIO all the way! Enjoy your new interface! I have loved mine, but it is time to upgrade to the i8i20 soon so I can record live drums. :)
  14. Dakotaspex

    Critique this mix and master I did!

    Hey guys! This was a track that I did for my friends' band Awaken O' Sleeper for free. Any tips on ANYTHING is greatly appreciated. Any strong points? Any weak points? Anything I could improve on? Also, I know the mastering is LOUD but that's how they like it haha. Thanks...
  15. Dakotaspex

    .strandberg* #51

    My GAS for a Strandberg wasn't at all helped by this post.
  16. Dakotaspex

    Mapmaker "Automation" Official Album Stream!

    Bump for the afternoon crowd!
  17. Dakotaspex

    Mapmaker "Automation" Official Album Stream!

    Dude hell yes! Haha we've tightened up a good amount since then, but was a fun show nonetheless! We couldn't be more excited. Come up and shake our hands if you make it!
  18. Dakotaspex

    NGD: Ibanez DCM100!!!! (56K Break the Internet....)

    That finish is so lush. hnnnnnngh. Also, how does it play?
  19. Dakotaspex

    Mapmaker "Automation" Official Album Stream!

    Hey guys, my band just began streaming our album last night. I think a lot of you guys that are into progressive metal/heavier genres would be into it! Props to the legendary Brian Shields for letting us stream it on Heavy Blog Is Heavy. Our Bandcamp is linked to THIS link (lol) and the album...
  20. Dakotaspex

    New Ibanez 2014 Guitar Porn ( Gakki Fair 2014 )

    Oh my god....................... :drool: