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  1. Dejaah

    Random Pics of Your Rig

  2. Dejaah

    Rocktron All Acces setup for G Major 2

    Hey ....ers I need your opinion how to set up my midi pedalboard with g major 2... i cant decide should i use stomp box mode or presets mode...on both mode i always find some problems to set up perfectly... here's photo of my board with labels and please tell me what do you think...
  3. Dejaah

    Random Pics of Your Rig

    hey guys..I'm new here:shred: and i need some help about board chain... here's a photo Im just thinking should i put the whammy first or wah???:wallbash: Git - line6 wireless - ns2 input - ns2 output - amp ns2 send - tuner - wah - ts9 - whammy - ns2...