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  1. TelegramSam

    Rick Graham IG posts?

    Saw it, kind of hoped I was overreacting but after seeing that video my heart kinda broke for him :(
  2. TelegramSam

    Andre Nieri

    I've gotta say, I didn't know he was with Virgil Donati, I got to him after going on a massive Kiko Loureiro binge - if anyone can point me in the direction of more of his music (Malkav plspls) I would be very grateful :yesway:
  3. TelegramSam

    Andre Nieri

    Was cruising the Two Tone Sessions YT page and found a relatively recent video of this guy, Andre Nieri - just wanted to share this video in case any of you needed new fusion/Bossa style music to listen to and didn't feel like searching. Bruno Valverde on drums, Junior Braguinha on bass...
  4. TelegramSam

    Rick Graham IG posts?

    Cheers for explaining banter to the Londoner ;) I saw them being pally on social media recently, which made the penny drop, however I agree with yours and the others' assessment of Rick, I see his social media nowadays and worry about his health and safety :(
  5. TelegramSam

    Rick Graham IG posts?

    I'm kind of hoping so, but it got pretty gritty yesterday, Rick put up a couple of videos on IG last night as well which he has since removed, I'm gonna finish on this, I just hope the dudes are okay.
  6. TelegramSam

    Rick Graham IG posts?

    I thought I'd ask here as I'm sure there are many fans of both Rick Graham and Andy James, so has something gone down? The posts on their Instagram profiles make it seem as if there is some sort of feud about their upcoming collab and I wondered if anyone knew anything.
  7. TelegramSam

    Trying to develop a little curriculum...

    Hey everyone, Been a while since I've been on here, so sorry for breaking the pleasant silence :P So one job isn't cutting it anymore, and to supplement it I want to start doing guitar lessons. However, I am aware that it isn't the kind of job you can just jump into shooting from the hip...
  8. TelegramSam

    The Heavy Metal Ninjas (NZ ibby shredders)

    Anyone got an ETA on new Ninjas stuff? Aching to hear s'more, fell in love with HMN as quickly as I did with Vai when I first heard Alien Love Secrets
  9. TelegramSam

    Floyd Rose help and tuning question

    As a side note, something I've found with all floating trems is that it is a little more difficult to bend strings in tune exactly, even more so with a double stop bend. Mess around with it a bit and get used to the way the bridge and strings respond to finger bends, as it can take you by...
  10. TelegramSam

    NGD Mint Choc UniJem.

    This gave me the biggest gearboner ever. Would you do a trade? I can offer a kidney and about 3/4 of my liver.
  11. TelegramSam

    Your weekly Shawn Lane lick

    Fantastic thread, haven't been on here in a while but looking forward to trying my hand at these later on :)
  12. TelegramSam

    Who here has a "day job" in the music industry?

    If I may add my two pence... About 3-4 years ago I started working in quite an intimate little guitar store in Camden Town of London. I was the envy of all my friends, making money from "sitting about playing guitar all day". I will say this though, it can be quite a nightmare. To cut a VERY...
  13. TelegramSam

    Pre-Production demo of our new song!

    As RobbYoung said, I feel like each instrument is sort of fighting others to be heard, but it's a pretty minor problem (if you think is is one at all :)). Everything sounds pretty nice so far, hope to hear more soon!
  14. TelegramSam

    Dino Say Meshuggah, Korn, Coal Chamber Ripped Off FF Riffs - Give Examples

    I'm sorry, but all I can think is... ... I'll see myself out.
  15. TelegramSam

    After the Burial guitarist quits Update: 7/22/15 RIP Justin Lowe

    I woke up from a nap this afternoon to this news, and it broke my heart. After the Burial's music has seen me through some very tough times and opened my eyes as a guitar player, and it is so sad to see one of the people behind thay wonderful music go in such a way. Rest in peace Justin.
  16. TelegramSam

    A chord sort of thing I gone and done

    I'm still deciding what voicings of each chord to use, but I should've put an idea I had in any case, sorry! Once I've worked out the kicks I'll put some sheet music up and y'all can have a look?
  17. TelegramSam

    A chord sort of thing I gone and done

    Sounds good, I may try that, thanks! To be honest, though, I was hoping for some feedback on the progression itself, and I wanted to hear any ideas that came into other people's heads. I have a few of my own, but I find it interesting to see what other musicians would do around a set of chords...
  18. TelegramSam

    Frankenstein Jem7 Root Beer

    This guitar looks very similar to the guitar Richie Allan used on the Propulsion playthrough, sweet!
  19. TelegramSam

    A chord sort of thing I gone and done

    Hey guys, Haven't been on here for a while, so I hope you're all very well :wavey: Basically I was just messing around on an online chord generator trying to come up with something vaguely inspiring, and I came up with a couple of parts for a song, if anyone wants to weigh in and tell me...
  20. TelegramSam

    Track from my upcoming solo EP

    Love it! :agreed:

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