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    Post Your Band's Website! (myspace/facebook/youtube/etc.)

    Demooth With This is the teaser for my band Demooth With Let me know what you guys think about it... any suggestion are welcome :hbang::hbang:
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    Need advice.. trade JCRG - RGA prestige

    this is what i feel right now in term of utility (need a 7 string), but still the "JCRG" label kinda keep me hold off this trade.. and make me confuse... :scream: thanks for the advice :) i agree, but here in my country, in term of price, 2nd hand JCRG price in the market almost similar to...
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    Need advice.. trade JCRG - RGA prestige

    Need advice and suggestion guys i owned an Ibanez J custom RG8570tt (2004), and i'm planning to trade it wiht Ibanez Prestige RGA427z (2010) 7 strings since lately i played lower tuning, i think about to trade it like stated before.. is it worth? any advice guys?
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    So, my band just released a single. (Death metal content inside)

    unfortunately, i can't enter the spottify, it said that "sorry, this content is not available"