Search results

  1. jack_cat

    So has anyone ordered from AliExpress?

    Lots of people buy from Ali Express. I haven't done so yet, but it looks routine. On the question of custom guitars from China, I have nothing exact to say, but I have been looking into the whole question of chinese clone pedals, and this is what I read on some forums: (1) The chinese market is...
  2. jack_cat

    My death metal album got 4,400 streams on Spotify in one week and here's how I did it

    Although in a very different niche, as a restaurant dinner-musician for many years, I've always cultivated diverse income streams by necessity. Home-cooked CDs were a big money maker for a long time and they are dead now, so Spotify has taken their place. As matters stand, we pull in a steady...
  3. jack_cat

    Resources to Learn Orchestral Programming for Sub Beginner

    The art of classical orchestration may be found in a book by the Russian composer Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, which explains how to treat the horns, woodwinds, and strings each as separate sections which should each be given a full four-part harmony. But this whole approach to composing was last...
  4. jack_cat

    What could cause weird mixer noise.... dirty power?

    This kind of electronic gremlin requires (IMO) testing every possible component by swapping it out with another one known to work. This would include the mixer itself and all cables etc etc. Borrow equipment from a friend if necessary if you don't have duplicates. Two anecdotes: (1) I got a new...
  5. jack_cat

    CD Duplication companies that do under 50 copies?

    About ten years ago we used to sell CDs like hot dogs at every gig but they are almost completely obsolete now, and we have quit making them and just hand out cards with the link to the playlist on Spotify. Spotify is bringing us in about $50 USD / month, and other musicians do much better if...
  6. jack_cat

    What is your favorite fretboard material and why?

    I have only negatives to report, and from my POV the positives on Richlite are looking pretty good, but I have not made up my mind. I have a new FF classical 9-string in the planning stage. On two seven-string classicals we had built in 2012, the ebony fingerboards both checked near the...
  7. jack_cat

    NPD: Belated and already gigged

    amigo bloody inferno: what guitar are you playng through that pedal board? thanks
  8. jack_cat

    How Do You Learn New Music?

    I really like the explanation of how to use Reaper given above. I stopped slowing things down just to challenge myself, and I don't do it like that, but it is obvious that Schizo Sapien's method will solve all difficult problems and is considerably easier than doing it in real time. But old guys...
  9. jack_cat

    9-string Acoustic Done (hopefully) Well

    - "ET is of course an ideal which can only be approached, never achieved," - "Is there any concept based on a continuous measurement that doesn't have this statement apply? ET is totally a concept of compromise of what our ears really want to hear anyway, so why does it matter?" It only matters...
  10. jack_cat

    9-string Acoustic Done (hopefully) Well

    " yeah... so why did I call this BS, right? Well, it's not me. All, and I mean ALL the luthiers I met (a handful, but it's enough) told me it's BS. " We can agree to disagree on this one. Maybe I have met a lot more luthiers than you have! Luthiers don't play guitar for a living, and _I do_, and...
  11. jack_cat

    Buzz feiten tuning system? Help

    (1) I think you are making too much of this issue, really, Just put the new strings on and find out if you like them, and if you don't, then take them off and give them away to somebody who can use them. Cost: one set of strings. The OP has wasted a lot of time asking this question, which...
  12. jack_cat

    For multi-scale guitars, how do angled bridges compare to individual string bridges?

    Back to the question of intonation, and leaving electrical grounding aside, I have a multiscale nylon-string with a straight bone saddle. I had to widen the saddle slot and put a fatter bone in to have enough room to intonate each string by filing slots in the bone. It plays pretty well in tune...
  13. jack_cat

    Is a Piezo Only Metal Tone Possible?

    I don't have any experience with modeling software except inside the Zoom A2 preamp, which includes picking a guitar-model-sound as the mandatory first of the ahem "three wishes" that that box gives you. The choice of a model in that box does have a significant effect on the tone. However, it is...
  14. jack_cat

    9-string Acoustic Done (hopefully) Well

    Yes, on the subject of the spacing of the adjustment intervals of the saddle, the reason that I ask is that I have been working with a multi-scale from 60 c to 72 c, and the adjustments that I have made by filing notches in the saddle are 2 mm or less, and these fine adjustments are indeed...
  15. jack_cat

    9-string Acoustic Done (hopefully) Well

    Many congratulations on pushing this idea through. I am somewhat, but not entirely, envious of your adjustable saddles. I have been thinking about how to implement this idea. Yours is one possible solution, and I have not yet thought up a workable one myself. I have a single bone in which I...
  16. jack_cat

    Is a Piezo Only Metal Tone Possible?

    Gentlemen: I am anything but a metal player but I have some experience with piezos. I haven't seen that anybody has addressed the two interesting ways of shaping piezo tone: adding capacitors and choosing a pre-amp - VERY IMPORTANT. Because I play as weird a guitar as the rest of yous, I have...
  17. jack_cat

    How Do You Learn New Music?

    When I finally got it into my skull that I had to be able to learn songs by ear, somebody gave me a useful tip: he said, you have to listen to it a thousand times and get it into your ear before you even try to play it. I have found this to be the best way to begin. It drives other people crazy...
  18. jack_cat

    General Microtuning Thread

    Thanks. In other words EDO x = ET x, with a less ambiguous term. Having read Barbour's Tuning and Temperament, it appears that there are a relatively finite number of these that work in various ways, depending on what you want to do, and Barbour's book seems to suggests that the...
  19. jack_cat

    General Microtuning Thread

    Since I am coming into tuning theory from antiquity instead of starting now and working back, will somebody please explain what EDO means? thanks, (signed) clueless in Podunk... On the subject of the "systemist" limma-limma-comma fretting (which I mentioned in my post above, and which I got...
  20. jack_cat

    General Microtuning Thread

    I have various thought experiments in the works. The nine-string I had built has taken center stage in recent years, and I am starting to think about the possible next iteration. So, the ideas below are my back burner ideas that have arisen peripherally in the process of approximating ET on my...