Search results

  1. L

    Chelsea Grin Guitar Sound

    Thank you for these quick and helpfull answers! They have 3 guitarists. Does that mean, that there are at least 6 guitar tracks?
  2. L

    Hey Jaek! I was wondering how to get a rhythm guitar sound like on Ashes To Ashes! I really...

    Hey Jaek! I was wondering how to get a rhythm guitar sound like on Ashes To Ashes! I really love it because it's brutal but also djenty. Would you give me some settings or presets or can you help me how to get that (or a similar) sound? I'm using Pod Farm 2.5 Platinum. Would be really...
  3. L

    Chelsea Grin Guitar Sound

    Hey dudes! I'm searching for a VST or a preset to get the (or at least one similar) guitar sound that Chelsea Grin uses in Ashes To Ashes or Evolve! I love the way the guitars sound there - very brutal but also djenty. My band is recording its first full length in my home studio and we are...