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  1. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    No don’t get me wrong I don’t agree with certain aspects of the Law either, but I’m not about to put myself on the wrong side of it trying to be a hero. Arguments are for the Court, not the Cops! Your explanation seems to make sense. Strange how it’s come to this!
  2. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    The Onion? Brilliant Satire for sure, but come on… Surely not admissible in court! Imagine if anyone used George Carlin as a defense: “That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”...
  3. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    I’m wondering if they were told “hands off” to prevent more police violence or gun violence, considering the climate? I don’t know who’s jurisdiction Riot Control would fall under- National Guard? Weird any way you look at it, or off-kilter, considering many historic examples. I understand...
  4. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    That’s a very detailed explanation, and thoroughly explains how Rittenhouse was acting in Self Defense, according to WI law. He didn’t even provoke anyone, and even then he tried to retreat, although had he not retreated, he still could have used lethal force in defense because he had not...
  5. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    Easy to resort to the make believe world of online Satire isn’t it!
  6. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    Precisely my point. Remind you of anything?
  7. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    Yes it seems they were strangely “Hands Off” during the Riots in Wisconsin. I remember seeing footage of Cop Cars being burned and statues of an Abolitionist and Prison Reformer being torn down (like WTF rioters monkey see monkey do?) at the State Capitol down with basically no police response.
  8. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    I’ve no idea, nor do I really care. Is he all that? Consider that is only what a certain part of the media wants you to believe. Another part of the media wants you to believe something else. If you watch the trial, a different story is told. Kyle wanted to protect his community. He wanted...
  9. Wuuthrad

    Most/Least Favorite Christmas Songs?

    Written by Rodgers and Hammerstein for the Musical The Sound of Music in 1959, it was sung by Julie Andrews on the Christmas Special of the Gary Moore variety TV show in 1961, who popularized it’s use as a holiday tune, prior to the movie of 1965. There were a few Xmas releases after that...
  10. Wuuthrad

    Most/Least Favorite Christmas Songs?

    Hardly- This is right up my dark alley! Bummer- I was just beginning to enjoy this! Now we’re talking- Party Time! Martin Luther might be the best thing to happen to this Zombie Cannibal Vampire Death Cult anyway- He famously said: “It’s better to talk about God while drinking in the Pub...
  11. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    That’s police state totalitarian kind of stuff though! Not to mention a direct violation of constitutional and state law!
  12. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    Do you think there’s been a calculated decision to de-escalate police presence in these situations for whatever reason? I wonder this myself, considering the violent history of our country.
  13. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    How? What should the police have done exactly? Shoot people? Rubber bullets? Tear Gas? Should they have gone Kent State/Philly/Watt’s Riots on them? I thought Law Enforcement was supposed to be “reformed” or whatever…
  14. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    Can you please edit the quoted bits I’m having trouble reading your replies- they're all grey and tiny on my phone.
  15. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    Again, you don’t seem to understand the law in WI despite my quoting and linking it- you are in fact allowed to use Lethal Force as Self Defense when afraid for your life, and this was clearly demonstrated by multiple eye-witness testimony, video and audio evidence. Did you even read where...
  16. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    Did you even watch the trial? I skipped over that detail mostly because it really seemed inconsequential to the facts of the case- the shootings transpired after he left that place to help put out a fire. What was he doing there in the first place? Easy question. Answered. Do we believe him...
  17. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    Psychopath? Give me a break dude… I never said any of this wasn’t worth discussing, you are reaching. Try a little harder next time you want to take the piss. My point is what he did protecting the business was not a crime, and was not crucially important to the facts of the case, according to...
  18. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    I’m not making up scenarios though just talking about what was said in court. That’s what this is about right? Reality? Or are you suggesting that everyone is lying who doesn’t fit your agenda, which is based upon what exactly? Mainstream news media? But what does that even matter? It’s not a...
  19. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    This is an interesting question. Car Source was already vandalized. Imagine your sisters boyfriend, your good friend’s brother had been working in the Car Source that was vandalized. The managers took pics with y’all with your AR-15s in front of the Shop, the owners told you how to get...
  20. Wuuthrad

    George Floyd...

    Many details were stated in court about Car Source, some conflicting. I agree about the importance of context. According to K.R. it was to provide medical assistance, put out fires, and protect destruction of property, and the gun was for self defense. His friend, Dominick Black, who had been...