George Floyd...


Jun 8, 2007
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Gatineau, Quebec
Am I seeing things right, or is the lady on the couch pointing her gun strait at red plaid shirt guy?
Cue any "responsible gun ownership" argument.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Am I seeing things right, or is the lady on the couch pointing her gun strait at red plaid shirt guy?
Cue any "responsible gun ownership" argument.

Prolly cuz he banging her daughter, by the looks of it


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2019
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Oh yeah, SWATting the child soldier paramilitaries from wingnut extremist organizations brandishing weapons to intimidate and provoke the public is so totally wrong

Remind me of wtf the purpose of SWAT was again?

I’ve no idea, nor do I really care.

Is he all that? Consider that is only what a certain part of the media wants you to believe. Another part of the media wants you to believe something else.

If you watch the trial, a different story is told.

Kyle wanted to protect his community. He wanted to protect Car Source, provide medical assistance, and put out fires.

He was offering medical assistance. He didn’t commit any crimes. When he left Car Source to put out a fire he was chased down by a lunatic, and shot him in self defense.

And then a group of people were chasing after him. He was trying to run away and turn himself in. It’s all self defense and nothing was a crime. It’s all been proven in court, despite the divisive BS portrayed by the media on both sides.

Do I have an opinion on people carrying weapons legally in public? Sure, but nobody asked…

What’s really funny is “Liberals” calling for more Police action.

And characterizing poor White kids as extremists. Really is easy to target white guys isn’t it? Evem when they support BLM and the right to peacefully protest as Kyle Rittenhouse does.

Maybe Rittenhouse suing for Defamation is a good idea because it’s actually true?


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2019
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I don't think that the police, especially in this instance, cared to keep order. It plays more to their own ends to let all Hell break loose. :2c:

Or they're completely inept.

At least that's how it appeared on the ground in the days leading up to that night and immediately afterwards.

Yes it seems they were strangely “Hands Off” during the Riots in Wisconsin. I remember seeing footage of Cop Cars being burned and statues of an Abolitionist and Prison Reformer being torn down (like WTF rioters monkey see monkey do?) at the State Capitol down with basically no police response.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2019
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Everyone in this thread please screenshot this post and frame it as a reminder of what a "bad faith" argument is, how to recognize it and a reminder not to waste your time.

Precisely my point. Remind you of anything?


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2019
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Whenever someone says common sense ideas (like not bringing automatic protests) are in direct violation of law/founding ideas of America, I just think back to The Onion, "'No way to prevent this', Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens" headline.

Easy to resort to the make believe world of online Satire isn’t it!


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Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
Yes it seems they were strangely “Hands Off” during the Riots in Wisconsin. I remember seeing footage of Cop Cars being burned and statues of an Abolitionist and Prison Reformer being torn down (like WTF rioters monkey see monkey do?) at the State Capitol down with basically no police response.

I don't know about Madison, that's like 100 miles away, but down here as soon as the shooting hit national news the MAGA trucks and out of state plates started steadily rolling in, and the law enforcement presence quickly got weirdly thin. Like from about Highway K to Kenosha proper there's practically a cop car every other block, but they all scurried away. It just lead to an atmosphere of "everyone for themselves", at least at night especially. The "state of emergency" was a joke. Absolutely zero enforcement, at least in any practical sense.

protect Car Source

I don't get this. Do these places not have insurance?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2019
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Is there some sort of event I'm missing? I've seen it mentioned a few times now how automatic weapons were brought to the protests. Did somebody bring an automatic weapon to a demonstration that I'm missing?

Automatic weapons are pretty uncommon, and are damn expensive. I can't imagine many, if any, protestors or counter-protestors having one. For shits and giggles I looked it up and an AK-47, a gun you can obtain for less than to a little over $1k in semi-auto would cost upwards of $20k and involve jumping through many many hoops. Automatic weapons, at the very least, played zero role in the whole Rittenhouse case.

Anywho, law is weird, but I think this video is pretty relevant and does a decent job of explaining things.

That’s a very detailed explanation, and thoroughly explains how Rittenhouse was acting in Self Defense, according to WI law.

He didn’t even provoke anyone, and even then he tried to retreat, although had he not retreated, he still could have used lethal force in defense because he had not initiated any attack on anyone, but, he may have been better off with an automatic weapon in that case!

Although that would probably have been even more dumb, being illegal and all, and been an even worse outcome for more people!


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2019
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I don't know about Madison, that's like 100 miles away, but down here as soon as the shooting hit national news the MAGA trucks and out of state plates started steadily rolling in, and the law enforcement presence quickly got weirdly thin. Like from about Highway K to Kenosha proper there's practically a cop car every other block, but they all scurried away. It just lead to an atmosphere of "everyone for themselves", at least at night especially. The "state of emergency" was a joke. Absolutely zero enforcement, at least in any practical sense.

I don't get this. Do these places not have insurance?

I’m wondering if they were told “hands off” to prevent more police violence or gun violence, considering the climate? I don’t know who’s jurisdiction Riot Control would fall under- National Guard? Weird any way you look at it, or off-kilter, considering many historic examples.

I understand K.R. and his group thought they were hired or were asked to protect the business. The folly of youth perhaps?

Kyle is no idiot though! Wrong place, wrong time ? Or Right place, Right time? He seems to have known all the details re. gun possession and self defense. Had the Prosecution been more competent, they might have been able to pursue motive or intent more effectively.

Especially considering the intricacies of WI law re. Self defense. The perfect crime? Highly doubtful… (cue Hollywood Crime Drama Screenwriters)

Hey Kyle here’s how to really cash in! Poor kid wants to become a nurse…


(anti)Social Influencer
Aug 13, 2010
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I don't give a shit about Kyle or his motives or the trial. Never watched a second of it. Doesn't matter what the verdict was...people are dead and a young man's life is forever changed. Maybe he's a MAGA maybe he's a Proud Boy....maybe he's just a nerd that needs a girlfriend. What I DO KNOW is that he is proof positive that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun argument is bullshit (spoiler alert I already knew that). In a violent situation we need less guns at the table not more. How is anyone there supposed to know if he is an active shooter, hunting an active shooter, defending a car lot, hunting skateboarders. Is he pointing a gun in self defense? How is another person to know?

I know that when the Floyd riots broke out even though there was looting I stayed home and nobody died because of me because I didn't go out to defend a Hobby Lobby with an AK and then had to "defend" myself. Sorry if the recent Michigan shooting reminds me of anything its that when I see a young white kid with a gun in public I'm not going to rest easy and say "aww how cute. He must really like car dealerships"


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2019
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I'm confused as to what you think is "make believe" about it.

The Onion? Brilliant Satire for sure, but come on… Surely not admissible in court!

Imagine if anyone used George Carlin as a defense:

“That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”

“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”

And with this yer Honor, we rest our case:

“Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity!”


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Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
I’m wondering if they were told “hands off” to prevent more police violence or gun violence, considering the climate? I don’t know who’s jurisdiction Riot Control would fall under- National Guard? Weird any way you look at it, or off-kilter, considering many historic examples.

I understand K.R. and his group thought they were hired or were asked to protect the business. The folly of youth perhaps?

Kyle is no idiot though! Wrong place, wrong time ? Or Right place, Right time? He seems to have known all the details re. gun possession and self defense. Had the Prosecution been more competent, they might have been able to pursue motive or intent more effectively.

Especially considering the intricacies of WI law re. Self defense. The perfect crime? Highly doubtful… (cue Hollywood Crime Drama Screenwriters)

Hey Kyle here’s how to really cash in! Poor kid wants to become a nurse…

I think they let all Hell break loose to spite the peaceful protesters, which were the overwhelming majority, and our Governor, as well as serve their own political and financial interests: i.e. "see what happens when we're not around?"

It's a tactic we've seen throughout the country. Enforcement when it suits them, lack thereof when it does as well.

I think we have different criteria for idiocy. Like, I've done some stupid stuff, but I've never put myself in a situation so above my head that I had to shoot my way out of it, regardless of legality.

As someone who lives and travels in said community, I don't want folks firing wildly. Full stop. Protecting a business is a really shitty and absolutely stupid reason to put people at risk.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2019
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I think they let all Hell break loose to spite the peaceful protesters, which were the overwhelming majority, and our Governor, as well as serve their own political and financial interests: i.e. "see what happens when we're not around?"

It's a tactic we've seen throughout the country. Enforcement when it suits them, lack thereof when it does as well.

I think we have different criteria for idiocy. Like, I've done some stupid stuff, but I've never put myself in a situation so above my head that I had to shoot my way out of it, regardless of legality.

As someone who lives and travels in said community, I don't want folks firing wildly. Full stop.

No don’t get me wrong I don’t agree with certain aspects of the Law either, but I’m not about to put myself on the wrong side of it trying to be a hero. Arguments are for the Court, not the Cops!

Your explanation seems to make sense. Strange how it’s come to this!


Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
No don’t get me wrong I don’t agree with certain aspects of the Law either, but I’m not about to put myself on the wrong side of it trying to be a hero. Arguments are for the Court, not the Cops!

Your explanation seems to make sense. Strange how it’s come to this!

You can litigate the semantics of right vs. wrong in relation to the law, but it's a fucking miracle that no one else got shot and you can guarantee that didn't stop Rittenhouse from pulling the trigger. Next time, the shooter, crowd, or some innocent bystanders might not be so lucky.


Progressive metal and politics
Feb 15, 2009
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The Onion? Brilliant Satire for sure, but come on… Surely not admissible in court!

Imagine if anyone used George Carlin as a defense:

“That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”

“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”

And with this yer Honor, we rest our case:

“Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity!”

I wasn't suggesting The Onion should be used as the basis of an argument in court....(obvious to everyone). Just that The Onion, and the rest of the world, and a large swath of America, can all look at gun culture and the resulting number of senseless deaths and think... dude, wtf, how is neanderthal mentality dictating policy in a country that views itself as a moral leader and peacekeeper of the world? Rittenhouse is a perfect example of that. Anyone with a brain would have stayed home, and he ran out into that shitstorm and made it worse, and appears to suffer no penalty for the lack of foresight.

It's funny because now there are also these parents of this school shooter who are going to be indicted for negligence, for overlooking obvious warning signs with their kid, but Rittenhouse is not subject to negligence for overlooking the natural conclusion of showing up to a riot with a gun and a desire to confront the people there.


Jun 8, 2007
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Gatineau, Quebec
Kyle wanted to protect his community. He wanted to protect Car Source, provide medical assistance, and put out fires.
How can anyone claim to know exactly what another person's intentions are? Why does a 17 year old care about a car dealership? What medical assistance could he have possibly provided? Why would you go to provide medical assistance with a gun instead of health supplies? Have you met 17 year olds? They'll say whatever they need to in order to get themselves out of trouble.