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  1. P

    Obscura - A Valediction (19-11-2021)

    That moment when a man's three fingers do more work than your four
  2. P

    Should I get a 7 or 6 string?

    Only problem I see with getting a 7-string as your first electric is that, if you don't have focus and a strong sense of direction and personality, you'll instantly become OMFGJEFFLOOMISDABEST. That's because hitting that open B string repeatedly is kinda irresistible, while a 6-string is more...
  3. P

    Most efficient practice setup? Amp vs modeller?

    Wassup! First thing, I always avoid practicing unplugged. You see, alternate picking and tremolo picking have been a problem for me ever since I started (14+ years). Recently I found out that I needed to apply less pressure on the pick, which makes building up speed a lot easier. Which brings...
  4. P

    What is your next guitar/gear purchase gonna be?

    A carpet since I heard that you can sharpen dull picks by slashing them across it
  5. P

    Revocation!!! And how I survived living under a rock for a decade

    Revocation is the only modern metal band I see myself being nostalgic about in 30 years.
  6. P

    Looking like Black Sabbath's Born Again may get a remix

    Tony Martin era indeed. I'll take that grim epicness over Ozzy any day.
  7. P

    BTBAM - Colors II - 8/20/21

    I took a long while to get into their stuff cause I was prejudiced against the radiohead and pop and non-metal influences. Two years later I skip the breakdowns and screaming to get to the mid tempo cozy melodies and pianos and pretty solos.