1. TJey

    SD Blackouts 7 in 1527 and APEX2, FEEDBACK problem

    Hi. I've some kind of problem with feedback in my and my other guitarist's guitar. We have replaced our stock pickups with SD Blackouts 7 Phase 1 and we both have serious issues with feedback. I use maxon od 808 with ISP decimator throught the mesa triple rectifier and orange PPC412 with...
  2. jam3v

    2009 RG1527 w/ Bare Knuckle Nailbombs

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: 2009 Ibanez Prestige RG1527-RB. I bought this guitar 2 months ago, and I'm just not feeling 7-strings right now. For the project I'm working on, I could use another 6 string, so this one's gotta go. There's the usual amount of wear from normal...
  3. zimbloth

    NGD: Ibanez RG1527M w/ Camo DiMarzios

    Here's something you don't see every day. Surprisingly the camo D-Activators I think look really cool in this. This guitar is really nice. Plays well and sounds good. It has a thicker neck which I'm not used to seeing from Ibanez however. UPDATE: For sale, contact me if interested.
  4. plyta

    Set of 7 Gotoh tuners from 1527 in CosmoBlack

    EDIT: hardware has already successfully reached Brazil. Check out my other thread for 1527 body sale.
  5. plyta

    Used Ibanez 1527 stock basswood body in RoyalBlue

    For sale is a used 1527 guitar body in standard RoyalBlue finish. Completely stock, “mount and play” condition, no noticeable damage (check out the mirrorness in the pics :lol:), except one small ding on the front near the edge close to where strap button is located (marked with a...
  6. D

    Ibanez RG1527 Appreciation Thread

    Everyone loves a classic Ibby and when I got my 1527 I loved it! The feel is phenomenal and I personally put EMGs in for my taste! Not to bad of a price either. I love 1527s!
  7. D

    New RG1527 Help me with Pickups.

    Hey guys I'm going to be purchasing a brand new Iby RG1527 and I'm pretty solid to the idea of putting in EMG 707s but I wanna hear what some of your opinions on different pickups choices. I love the sound I get with emgs and have always loved them but still like to hear different options. I...
  8. jon66

    Rg1527 on the way

    Hey all, I'm a fairly new member, always shy about posting, but I've read about a million pages, lol. Been playing guitar for about 15 years now off and on. Played lots in high school, then almost not at all thru college. After settling down a bit, I've started playing again. Yeah who cares...
  9. plyta

    CosmoBlack EdgePro7

    EDIT: hardware has already successfully reached Brazil. The rest of the guitar is still for sale.
  10. plyta

    Ibanez 1527 neck

    EDIT: neck has already successfully reached Brazil. The rest of the guitar is still for sale.
  11. E

    WTB: Ibanez 7 String (1527, Universe...)

    Hi guys! I´m new in the forum cause I just joined a project that requires playing 7 strings, so I am here in search of my first 7 stringer :D Looking for something not too expensive (I have tons of other good guitars), just to play 50% of bands repertoire, so I´m good with a normal 1527...
  12. Musza

    Lookin' for nice RG7 ship to Europe

    Hi I'm looking for some nice RG 7 (rg 1527 ,7620 ,7621 or higher) that can be shipped to Poland (Europe). Should be in quite nice condition. I have some positives feedbacks on ebay. Post me message If U have nice offer ;) Greetings! Tomek
  13. Ryan

    Behold the RG9147NTG! (56k: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate)

    So first we start with the sanded down body of the old RG7XMAS. This thing's been lying around for far too long. Could use a once over with the 400 grit imo. Much better! Some good old fashioned American enginuity :lol: Wiped down and hung up. :yesway: Toss a couple coats of...
  14. youheardme

    Pickups - 1527

    I'm sure this has been brought up several times before but... I just got an Ibanez RG1527 RB 2006 model... and the stock pickups are garbage. I need to replace these pickups ASAP and could go for some advice on what pickups to get. I play Metal (MySpace.com - Only After Dusk - Halifax, CA -...
  15. twiztedchild

    Team J. Craft RG1527

    I was just at my local guitar center today and I found this Used rg1527 7 string that they had haging up high and I asked the guy if i could check it out and when he handed it me I looked on the back of the headstock for some reason, and it said that it was a "Team J. Craft" Made in Japan and...
  16. matt7


    So when I got my 1527 it had LOADS of Flutter but I noticed after every string change there was less and less and the trem seemed stiffer after every change, is there something wrong with my guitar? The trem is at the perfect angle and I'm using D'addariosif that makes a differant. Can anyone...
  17. Thomas

    Locking Nut Shims - Necessary?

    I picked up my RG1527 yesterday, which happens to be my first guitar with a double-locking trem. While attempting to set it up, I noticed that the nut height was too high, especially on the heavier strings. So, I removed the nut to see if there were any excessive shims I could take away, but I...