amir badamchi

  1. J

    Home vs Studio Recording

    Comparing the Private and Studio Recorded music is nowadays a hard to find story, but it all depends on the music genre or style and especially the person as the mastermind behind the console. I've found many Home Studio recorded stuffs much more professional and catchy in comparison with the...
  2. J

    Mirage Town...

    Mirage Town is a top Alternative Metal band from Tehran/Iran. Just do a search for their sample tracks (or check out the links at the bottom) and you will find cool amazing pieces of guitar sounds plus perfect mastering. I've never expected such a quality for a Rock band in Iran. They are...
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    Iranian Alternative Metal!!!

    It's true, Iranian Alternative Metal... Iranian government has banned some music genres such as Rock, Hip Hop, ... and these are considered as illegal music and there has to be no performances in public, but many artists in Iran didn't stop trying and they are participating in underground...
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    From a band member's mate

    Hay, This is Mark, just wanted to say that I have a friend who is a band member of an Iranian Rock band called Mirage Town... I'm saying this because their style is my favourite and also they do worth a lot of mentions. You can check'em out at: