
  1. neurosis

    WTB a 7 again, want to share your thoughts?

    Hi guys. So I had to sell my RG1527 for quick cash a while ago. IT was the only thing getting the bigger offers so it had to go. Now I find mysellf on the search for a new 7. I have been checking out different 7 models for the past weeks and so far the ones I like the most are: Schecter...
  2. P

    Looking at a 7 or 8, in need of a little help though...

    I'm looking to take the leap into the extended range guitars and I'm kind of caught between a few problems. One, which should I get? I have the hand size and love the sound of the lower strings to play either of them and I know theory and whatnot so I don't really need training in that respect...
  3. N

    New here, planning big!

    Hey Guys, I am new to the 7 seven family and i have some big plans here. I have een playing electric guitar for 3 years, bass 2 years and started to do vocals late march this year. Me and my friend are starting to make and sell custome 7/8 string guitars and want to use this site as a guide to...