cheap amp

  1. H

    Cheap Combo plus Amp in a box - advice please

    Hi Everyone. Old casual bedroom headbanger here. I'm using a 7 string into DAW with Mercurial Audio amp box into studio monitors/headphones on normal days. I might have found someone to play with recently and looking for some small combo amp up to 50-60W. I've experienced those before and never...
  2. Joshua_Bolling

    Amps that sound good for cheap?

    I go to an Arts School for guitar, and I recently (5 months ago) bought a peavey vypyr 30 for my rig at the school. I have a Marshall MG100dfx also, but I hate it. I play a Schecter Damien Elite 8 and I'm looking for a great amp that co uld hold out and sound great for cheap. I play in low...