chuck schuldiner

  1. Obscurabeast2002

    BC Rich Stealth "Legacy" or "Marc Rizzo TNT"??

    I purchased this BC rich stealth the other day but im at a loss with the exact model. Anyone know what this Stealth is?
  2. MAJ Meadows SF

    Relapse releasing new Death live recordings

    Well this pleasantly popped up in my email. Kudos to Relapse and the Death Estate for doing this. From the press: Relapse Records is proud to present Death: Non Analog - On Stage Series. At a moment when the world has been forced to push pause on live music, Relapse Records and the DEATH...
  3. Rizzo

    Marshall Valvestate 8100, yay or nay?

    Hey there, as a 90s metal tone nostalgic and long time Death super fan, I'm used to an ongoing GAS for the above mentioned valvestate 8100, always fading and coming back from year to year since forever. Which leads me to the compulsive search for one every time it strikes. Internet pic for...
  4. Shawn


    I've been listening to Individual Thought Patterns and Human alot lately, brings back memories of when I was in highschool. Im rediscovering how great Chuck Schuldiner was. (RIP Chuck Schuldiner :() His songwriting and his guitar playing = :yesway: I love it. Cool vid and cool tune here too...