
  1. T

    Axe-FX ultra Compressor and gate tone help needed

    Hey guys I recently (Today) got an Axe-fx Ultra :D Yay! :hbang: It's very nice and all, went through about the first 200 presets for quite a while, but after that while was up I went on to making a custom tone :agreed: Before I begin I must admit I'm not really one of those 'tweakers', so this...
  2. Variant

    NPD, the boost to end all boosts... maybe (56k: It's 2010 for crissakes).

    First, if you don't like lengthy, random-ass picstories, you're probably on the wrong forum... go here. :agreed: Anywho... I just got moved into my new studio/apartment, dubbed Cruxstudio 902, and on day 2 here, I'm already getting boxes full of blinky goodness. :) With a $100 gift...
  3. Wolfenstein

    MAXON CP101 FTW *pics* and review

    ok firstly i wasnt so sure that a compressor pedal was worth spending £100+ on just for "thickening" the tone up. Ive got an X3 so the compression on there is pretty cool to start with. After a little youtube hunting i saw bulb talking about how he runs a comp and limiter before his digital...
  4. budda

    I've been a victim of a random act of kindness!

    Today, I came home from work and picked up my mom from work. She said that something from the UK had come for me, and I was puzzled - I haven't paid any UK people for their handywork as yet.. I asked her what it said on the label, and she said "booty-que" so I knew what it was, of course...
  5. TheCopeOfHeaven

    Is there anything to do with the guitar tracks after recording them?

    me and the other guitarist of my band have been trying to record our guitar tracks (/w Sennheiser e 609 & Shure SM57 via EMU 1616M, Cubase) in our rehearsal room for two days now. our question would be: topic title (i mean not EQing!) ...compressor is okey. and then? :D thank in advance...

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