dark terror

  1. Chewy5150

    FS Orange DA15H Dark Terror Amp Head

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Orange Dark Terror Head Selling this for my co-guitarist as he's seeking something with more wattage. Excellent condition, works flawless. Power tubes were just replaced a few months back. Modifications (if any): N/A Accessories (hardshell case...
  2. Ruan7321

    Green Rhino vs Dead Horse Deluxe

    Hi guys. Haven't posted in a while,so I thought I'd start by asking a gear related question. I'm currently building up a tube rig after I sold all my tube gear a few years ago. I switched over to the Axe Fx Ultra for live and its working like a dream. But when it comes to recording, I...
  3. NickD094

    New amp! Orange Jim Root Terror

    Bought myself an Orange Jim Root Terror head today, 450 cheaper than retail price here in Aus (750). This thing is actually ridiculous, going to be awesome for live use.
  4. Sephael

    Orange Owners

    Still trying to EQ my DkT and am having trouble EQing decently. To make it worse, I switched from my Damien with EMGs to my warlock with stock pickups and it honestly sounded better. So what experience do other Orange owners have with various pickup choices through their amps? I understand...
  5. Sephael

    Orange Dark Terror

    Orange Dark Terror Ease of Use: Volume, Mid shape gain, on/off and the output/standby. Doesn't get much simpler than than. Plus at only 15 lbs it is incredibly easy to put it in the included transport bag and take it with you anywhere. I use a Jet City JCA12xs cab with it and the total...
  6. Sephael

    Cab questions and help needed.

    So planning the purchase of my Orange Dark Terror I realize I need a cab...and know next to nothing in this area. I do know to make sure I match up resistance and to make sure it can handle the wattage. So on to the questions: While looking around I seen some of them labeled extension cabs...

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