dream guitar

  1. Gmork

    Custom 8 string sneak peak

    Still working some kinks out but wanted to share this tiny sneak peak at my fully custom 8 string i had built. Once its fully finished and i get strings on it that feel right ill be making a demo vid.
  2. Wolfos

    NGD: She Suhr is purdy

    For the past 2 years I have been slowly buying and selling guitars and "Trading up" for slightly higher quality ones with the end game being me ending up with a few of my dream guitars. It's been a fun ride and it has let me get my hands on several interesting and fun to play guitars on the way...
  3. KingLouis

    Your Dream Guitar's Specs?

    mod edit: this topic has been done several times usually as "what would your signature guitar be" or "if you could order any custom..." Hey gang, first attempt at a thread here so I figured I'd start with something I'm always curious about in other gearheads...if you had all the resources to...
  4. Wrecklyss

    Guitar Companies Wish Made 7 Strings

    So what are some guitars out there that should be making 7 strings? Personally, I'd like to see something from Parker and Tom Anderson.
  5. A

    Searching for 'the one'. Help?

    So I've been looking for a while now to find that perfect 6 string, I'm not too sure if theres already a thread on smaller guitar manufactures/luthiers but I'm trying to find some out there, only problem is theres no way of me knowing if that guitar will feel good to me. I own a schecter c1...
  6. C

    Beautiful guitars

    So we've all walked into a music store and seen a guitar that absolutely amazes you or you've seen right here online. This thread is dedicated to that guitar. Post a pic of the guitar and then tell if you ended up getting it that day or if there's a story about what you had to go through to...