
  1. S

    need a recommendation for a good el34 amp

    title says it all, i play mostly thrash, groove and melodic death metal. i thought of a jcm800kk or jvm410 or evh 5150iii el34
  2. Guitarjon

    EVH 5150 III 50W 6L6 vs EL34!

    I now have both the EVH 5150 III 50W 6L6 and the EL34 so it made a lot of sense for me to make a comparison of both! While I was working on the comparison however, the new 6L6 amp broke down and I had to get a replacement from Thomann. Luckily they sorted it out very quickly and I had my new...
  3. Boofchuck

    New Cab - Harley Benton G212 Vintage Vertical

    I posted some pictures in the rig thread but I figured I'd make a little review also. I just joined my first band (yay!) and I've been hunting for a new cab to replace my 1x12 EVH cab. I saw this mint Harley Benton Vertical 2x12 for $150 off of Craigslist and snagged it immediately from a local...
  4. Guitarjon

    EVH 5150 III 50W EL34 in-depth!

    Hey all! A year or two ago I got this EVH 5150 III 50W EL34. Before I chose to get the EL34 version I also checked out the 6L6 version and I preferred how the EL34 sounded in a full mix. To me that's the most important thing so that's why I decided on getting this one. The 6L6 seems really...
  5. Guitarjon

    EVH LBX vs EVH 5150III 50W EL34

    I'm back with another comparison. This one is all about the EVH lbx vs the 5150III 50W EL34. The LBX is quite small with it's EL84 15W power amp but it sounds absolutely HUGE! The 5150 III 50W EL34 is quite a bit bigger and heavier but does it also sound bigger? Both sound great imho and just as...
  6. Guitarjon

    EVH 5150 III EL34 50w = HELL YES!

    I got my EVH a while ago but I've been so busy that I haven't had time yet to do some proper 80s hair metal with it, because it's fun! ;) Tried it out for a new song idea and it was as if the stars aligned! There is just something really special about this amp. Big but focused bottom end with a...
  7. Guitarjon

    NAD! EVH 5150 III 50W EL34 (clips inside)

    Hey guys! I got a new amp! It's an EVH 5150III 50W EL34 and I also got the matching cab. This amp sounds beastly, really loving how organic and 'barky' it sounds while retaining good clarity and tight punch. It's pretty loud too. I'm currently running it through my Fractal Audio LB-2 load box...
  8. Leviathus

    Marshall Origin series

    Sup guys, The GAS building up inside me for the 50w head. They're made in Taiwan so that's what's keeping the price point so low, and really my only concern. Perhaps i'll wait for reviews to come out but from what [demos] i've heard so far they really seem to nail the plexi tone for super...
  9. steelyad

    Using VST preamps with real EL34s and real cab?

    Hi guys, i'm back! Having experimented with reamping a lot, I came to a realisation recently. I don't have an Axe Fx, but I do like the idea of having several different tube pres and FX, but the tone of a real tube amp and cab is just too good not to use. Since i've got a soundproof live...
  10. F

    Splawn Nitro EL34 (EU)

    Description: Splawn Nitro 100W Tung Sol EL34, footswitch, flightcase Location: Czech Republic Contact Info: PM References: - Price: 1400€ plus shipping, trade for AXE FX Ultra / II
  11. T

    Engl Invader EL34 tube question.

    I have had my beloved Invader now for almost three years and have decided to treat it to a new set of tubes. I love how the amp sounds so I have no hesitation replacing the tubes like for like with another set of Engl's own tubes.. My question being.. The EL34 powertubes in my Engl already...
  12. budda

    Mesa Boogie Roadster Head (EL34) w/ footswitch, amp and FS cover

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: 2008 Mesa Boogie Roadster head running JJ EL34's. 4 channels, 100/50W per channel, 3 modes per channel, reverb per channel, footswitchable fx loop tuner mute and solo boost, seperate EQ's, master output and solo level controls. Comes with owner's...
  13. ibanezRG1527

    Peavey 6534+

    has ANYONE used one?!?!?! i heard that it should sound more full and middy and have a bit more of a punch but ive never even seen one (accept for pictures) so i dont know. ive played about 100 6505+'s and theyre nice but i love having a lot of mids (i dont djent, i just love a full, punchy tone)...
  14. G

    What preamp, power tubes do I use for metal tone in my Peavey Triple XXX head?

    What are some of the best tubes to have a metal tone? I like a tone similar to a 5150, something with balls and great lows clearer mids for my basson b412 cab's "ripping" sound. I play heavy tech metal with a Peavey Triple XXX head, Agile 8 string, Ibanez tubescreamer ts9dx, Boss Ns2 noise...
  15. Leuchty

    EL34's For Dual Rec

    After many recommendations by all you fine people on here :wub:, Im going to put some EL34/E34L/KT77 in my Dual Rec. What would you recommend between: 1. JJ/Tesla 2. Tung Sol 3. Electro Harmonix 4. MESA These are pretty cheap on the bay for new matched quads. reps for suggestions, :cool...
  16. replete

    Rig Advice please? Valve Power Amplifier (UK)

    Dear fellow 7 & 8ers, I've done some research, and would like some of your advice please. I'm going all rack with my rig with the following setup (ish): Power conditioner (purchased) VHT 2-50-2, Mesa el84 20/20, Marshall el84 20/20 ENGL Pro 212VH (mono 8o/stereo 16o) (purchased) Axe-FX Ultra...
  17. Leuchty

    Tube suggestions...(EL34's and 6505 replacements)

    Ok, After reading the JJ consistency thread Im a little...:ugh: Can anyone suggest good reliable EL34's for my Dual Rec? I was thinking about just getting Mesa EL34's. Also, My 6505+ needs a full retube, suggestions for High Gain would be cool as I was looking at getting a high gain kit...
  18. KungfuSheep

    Marshall JMP-1 & Tube Power Amp (Pref Marshall EL34 100/100)

    Gear Wanted: Hey, i'm looking to pick up a Marshall JMP-1 & Tube Power Amp (Pref. Marshall EL34 100/100) if anyone's looking to sell/trade(see below) ? Your Location (City,State or City,Country): UK, Midlands International OK?: Depends on shipping i guess, not sure how much it would knock...
  19. Xtremevillan

    I think this has been asked before, but the difference of the ENGL SE's?

    ENGL E 670 Special Edition ENGL E 670 EL 34 Special Edition If I am mistaken everything is exactly the same, but one takes a different type of tube and that's it, right? The site says: I tried to search for the thread looking under "difference ENGL" but did not find anything. So now my...